Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Neoclassical Age

The 18th century is a distinguishing period in British literature. It is a timeline in which classical literary conventions in terms of the literary techniques in different genres are revived. After the Renaissance–a period of exploration and expansiveness–came a reaction in the direction of order and restraint. Generally speaking, this reaction developed in France in the mid-seventeenth century and in England thirty years later; and it dominated European literature until the last part of the eighteenth century.It is a period where counterfeiting and facades are very important; in some ways the country was trying to act like the Interregnum and English civil wars had not happened, and there is both a willful suppression of the immediate past and a glorification of the more distant, classical Roman past–which is why it is called the Neoclassical period. Neoclassical writers, such as Samuel Johnson, Moliere and Alexander Pope, sought clear, precise language.They st andardized spelling and grammar, shifted away from the complex metaphors employed by Shakespeare and simplified literary structures. Neoclassical writers often adopted a rigid view toward society. Although Renaissance writers were fascinated by rebels and the Romantics later idealized them, neoclassical writers felt that the individual should conform to social norms. Although society was probably corrupt, individual views could not stand against the truths found in the consensus of society.Principals of Neoclassic Age in Alexander Pope’s â€Å"essay on man† There are many concepts regarding literary criticism that are instantiated in the first part of Pope’s Essay: the problem of bad writing and criticism, and the greater danger of the latter to the public; the rarity of genius and taste in poets and critics respectively; the impairing of the capacity of critical judgment by unsound education; the causes for the multitude of literary critics (those who canâ€⠄¢t write, judge! ; and the critics need to know the limits of his genius, taste, and learning in the exercise of criticism. What is the basis for literary composition and the practice of criticism? What provides the common ground and gives guidance for both? For Pope, the answer was found in a specific eighteenth century understanding of the honorific term and concept of NATURE. First follow Nature and your judgment frame By her just standard, which is still the same: Unerring NATURE, still divinely bright,One clear, unchanged, and universal light, Life, force, beauty, must to all impart, At once the source, and end, and test of Art. (Lines 68-73) Nature is the ultimate authority (Williams 219) in Pope’s Essay, and is presented here as that canon or standard to which both with (creative poetic and literary expression) and critical judgment are to conform. Authors and critics are to write and to judge according to the clear, unchanged, and universal light just standards of in errant Nature.In literature and criticism, Nature is all-significant as its source, as its aim, and as its test. Art is from Nature, unto Nature, and by Nature. But what, exactly, does Pope mean by this all-encompassing concept? Williams expresses the eighteenth-century, neo-classical understanding of this doctrine in these terms. Fundamental to neo-classical thought about Nature is the conception of a cosmos which, in its order and regularity and harmony, reflects the order and harmony of the Divine Mind of its Creator. . . Man can perceive this order and rule in Nature because he has a rational soul made in the image of that Nature’s Creator. . . . In the view which prevails in the period Nature is the manifestation in the visible creation of the Order and Reason behind all things, a reflection of the medieval view that the likeness of God is imprinted in the very matter and organization of the universe (219-20). In concluding Part One of his Essay, Pope is so taken with th e natural goodness of the primeval authors that he has difficulty restraining himself in declaring their praise.The religious nature of their veneration is not only transparent, but also significant literarily. Here in worship before a common altar, divisions and sects and quarrels in criticism are forgotten as men unite in a single congregation. The learned from all climes and ages bring . . . their incense to a common shrine . . . . Pope’s verse . . . rises in full response to the inspiration his age received from a glorious past, a past which was both an inspiration, and a reproach, to the present (Williams 229).Creation, fall, redemption: this basic biblical schema provides the paradigm for Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Criticism. Just as the focus of the biblical narrative is on the salvaging of a sin-wrecked creation, so the movement of Alexander Pope’s Essay on Criticism is toward the restoration of a fallen classical poetics for eighteenth century England . This parallel supplies substance and shape to the Essay’s grand purpose and 13 design. And in both the Scriptures and in Pope, the goals of cosmic and poetic restoration are ones for which we can and must give thanks.Neoclassicism replaced the Renaissance view of man as an inherently good being capable of astounding intellectual growth by the image of man as a sinful and presumptuous creature with a limited intellectual capacity. Whereas the Renaissance had emphasized imagination and mysticism, Neoclasscisim emphasized order, reason, common sense, and conservatism. The  widely used prose literary forms were the essay, the letter, the satire, the parody, the burlesque, and the moral fable; and  in poetry, the  most renown  verse form was the rhymed couplet.Pope's heroic couplets are a prime example of this form. As reason should guide human individuals and societies, it should also direct artistic creation. Neoclassical art is not meant to seem a spontaneous outpouri ng of emotion or imagination. Emotion appears, of course; but it is consciously controlled. A work of art should be logically organized and should advocate rational norms. The Misanthrope, for example, is focused on its theme more consistently than are any of Shakespeare's plays.Its hero and his society are judged according to their conformity or lack of conformity to Reason, and its ideal, voiced by Philinte, is the reasonable one of the golden mean. The cool rationality and control characteristic of neoclassical art fostered wit, equally evident in the regular couplets of Moliere and the balanced sentences of Austen. Sharp and brilliant wit, produced within the clearly defined ideals of neoclassical art, and focused on people in their social context, make this perhaps the world's greatest age of comedy and satire.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Michael Jackson Social Media Idea Essay

Michael Jackson, often referred to as The King of Pop or simply MJ, is one of the most entertaining individuals in the history of the entire world. Armed with more awards than any aspiring artist could ever dream of, he produced hit songs over forty years ago in 1970, such as â€Å"ABC†, â€Å"I want you Back†, and â€Å"I’ll Be There.† Michael continued to dominate the 80’s when he wrote songs such as â€Å"Thriller†, â€Å"The way you Make me Feel† and co-wrote â€Å"We are the World† with Lionel Richie in an attempt to help raise money for charity. Even into the early 90’s Jackson’s glamor was simply unmatched, as he set the foundation for future Super Bowl halftime shows with a flashy show in 1993 during Super XXVII, the first time ever a network actually gained viewers during the half time performance. However, as with all iconic celebrities, Jackson had a multitude of problems to deal with himself. After a strict, vicious childhood, Jackson dealt with multiple child sexual abuse scandals, both of which he was never convicted in, as well as a huge public controversy over his skin tone. Michael Jackson was found dead on June 25, 2009, the autopsy revealed it was a homicide from cardiac arrest; his physician was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for administering the drugs. When Jackson died in 2009, it triggered a social media outburst of grief, with nearly one billion people watching the Memorial Service online. From the sheer amount of fans Jackson had and still currently has, if a social media site were to catch on that featured Jackson, the possibilities would be endless. Before any idea can be developed, the audience and demographics must be taken into account for first. Since the death of Michael Jackson was so popular, companies actually took polls and notes from their audiences when they tuned into the Memorial Service. CNN (2009) polled over one thousand Americans to try and understand the demographics of MJ fans better. Michael Jackson fans were split relatively evenly among gender, with 52% of fans being male. Almost every person over 55 was not a MJ fan, while his hottest age demographic were age 39-49. Even the young generation who was not really around during his peak still considered themselves fans. Over ? of non-Caucasian respondents claimed they were MJ fans, while a majority of white respondents claimed they were. It is important to note that these were taken via telephone call, not the internet in any way. The key is to take these demographics and integrate them with internet users, particularly internet users. From my internet marketing textbook titled E-Marketing, by Judy Strauss and Raymond Frost (2009), the average demographic of an internet user is age 19-35, white, educated, and an average income around $75,000. However, the African-American segment of the race demographic is growing the fastest of any. Mixing the two of these, the potential client base would be highest if it were aimed towards young to middle aged adults, with a very strong common bond that unites everyone on the website, Michael’s music. I think it would be considered a crime if you attempted to try to start a relationship type of website with Michael Jackson’s name all over it, or at least the PR and media would tear it down to the bone, but perhaps any attention, good or bad, is considered advantageous when your business is still in its early stages. Anyway, the idea I would propose would be an all-out fan club for Michael Jackson. There is a site or two like this already, but it is very poorly done. It would have trivia contests, best dancing contests, look-alike contests, name that tune contests, etc. The key to the website would be the amount of users on it, which allows the user to become interactive with the website. I think that would appease to the younger population, uploading constant photos and videos, watching them, etc. For the older generation, there needs to be videos of old Michael Jackson performances, classics. The live performance at the super bowl, the vintage Jackson 5, the numerous Grammy awards, etc. From those videos, other current events in the world at that time would show. It would seem as if the user it going backwards in time, exploring Michael’s life, but in reality, the user connects epic, surreal moments from Jackson’s life, just as if he is re-living his own life thirty years ago. I think there would be two people who would go to the site, younger, less passionate fans of Michael who would go there for the social aspect and the older, less social media intense, but very Michael and music heavy users. Perhaps it is a stretch, but there are already so many niche social media networks out there, it is tough to fully see what works best. As with any business, it is not going to be perfect right away, the key is to constantly listen to users to help edit the site that appeals to the masses. There are a ton of 35-50 year olds out there who really loved there music during the 70-80’s, especially Michaels’s. The thing is that most men that age do not even really know the first thing on how to let alone accurately use, set up a Facebook account. The navigation would have to be so simplistic, that senior citizens could not even lose their ways. You would advertise with other huge artists of the time, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, etc. Before you know it, you have created a social network for older generation men who want to get home from their honest days’ work, light a cigarette, drink a beer and listen to the king. Works Cited Strauss, J., & Frost, R. (2009). E-marketing (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Poll: Majority of Americans are Michael Jackson fans – CNN. (2009, July 3). Featured Articles from CNN. Retrieved November 8, 2012, from

Interpersonal Communication Theories Essay

Identify Three Concepts from Any of the Interpersonal Communication Theories Interpersonal communication is as important as life itself for most of the people on this planet. Humans are social creatures, mostly, and the ways of communication are very important for building a healthy society through the construction of relationships between individuals. There are numerous theories of interpersonal communication that explain the process of building and supporting relationships with people around. The theory of Symbolic Interaction is one of such (Nelson). It has the following idea as base: people form some meaning and structure of everything around in a society using interactions. Then, people act according to the meanings they give to other people, events, things, etc. Moreover, the theory presupposes that the entire world is made of such social objects, named and determined by a society beforehand (Nelson). The theory has the following main concepts: society, self, and mind. Society. The basic social acts (the ones that create meaning only) must involve some kind of initial gesture from a person. Then, this act must receive some kind of response to this gesture from another person. Finally, some kind of result appears (Nelson). Life of any person is full of such moments, especially in childhood and youth. It is so because when a person learns new concepts and models of behavior, learning the life, this individual does something and then has to see the response to this action and only then this person will know what kind of act it is. The simplest example is smoking. Being a child, I was not aware that smoking is bad because I did not know about it. Then, at school, kids have been told that smoking is bad. However, children are maximalists, usually. We all have tried smoking and then it was considered as cool thing s because other kids gave the response that it was cool. Then, parents explained why it was bad and the problem was solved. Self. Understanding oneself is conditioned and shaped by interactions with others and the way they percept this person (Nelson). Most of people are worried about what others would say about them. Thus, self is usually defined based on the opinions of others regarding the personality of each individual. The best example is as follows: I came to study in a new school. The way I looked and acted from the beginning made the kids around me consider me as a normal, cool person. Therefore, my self image was shaped and supported by their attitude. Mind. People see how objects can be defined according to their understanding of how it is possible to react to them. Thus, people are able to think using significant symbols in order to respond to oneself (Nelson). In other words, people give objects meaning through symbolic thinking. As the example, the following case can be provided: when I was little, it was necessary to learn how to write. While I was not good at it, the pen and paper were my enemies and I did not like to do this exercise. However, after a series of attempts something started to come out. Thus, I gave these objects other meaning. It all happened because I reacted differently to these objects within some period giving them symbolic meaning. Symbolic thinking is the base of our perception of the world. Works Cited Nelson, L. D. Herbert Blumer’s Symbolic Interactionism. 1998. Web. 26 January 2012 .

Monday, July 29, 2019

The media provide political information as may also affect political Essay

The media provide political information as may also affect political values by offering popular culture. Do you feel your politi - Essay Example Wide range of communication started with telegraph until after around half century developments in the communication continues and the use of radio were experienced followed by newspapers, magazines, and televisions. Over the last past few years, the modernization in the media was introduced in the form of DVD and internet. Media Influence The growth in the media industry has also contributed and influenced to the development in the urbanization, industrialization, and modernization. However, the content that has been created in the mass media is not designed in the purpose of challenging or to modify the political and social value of a nation but instead, mass media connects the world to individuals and eventually forms public opinion. At the present, all the people live in a society that relies and depends on information and communication to be able to move forward with the daily activities such as work, health care, education, traveling, and even in dealing with personal lives. A common individual, upon waking up is usually access the monitoring in the television or newspaper about the condition of the society before going to work. What the people should be aware is that decisions, values, and beliefs are all depend on facts, assumptions, and beliefs which are based on the experiences and studies.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Action Plan for E-Adminstration of Abu Dhabi Police Research Paper

Action Plan for E-Adminstration of Abu Dhabi Police - Research Paper Example The current state of affairs suggests that the development and implementation are in its initial phase and there is a lot to be achieved in terms of fully utilizing the power of e-administration in order to become more efficient in carrying out the routine tasks. Other departments in other countries have been able to deploy the e-administration on a holistic basis imparting the latest tools and techniques to not only manage the workload effectively but also to ensure that the core objective of the department is fulfilled in more efficient manner. It’s because of this reason that the latest systems and procedures have been deployed to take the fingerprints and as well as keep a database of the criminals along with their full particulars including pictures and previous record. This allows them to track down the criminals in the more effective manner besides ensuring that the workload is managed in the most appropriate manner. Authorities such as Metropolitan Office UK have implemented the computer forensic and other systems to better manage the workload of the police in order to perform their core objectives in more effective manner. Police authorities in the UK have also developed different databases related with nature of a crime. The Police National Computer is one of the earliest initiatives in this direction to develop a set of interconnected databases. ( This, however, is still lacking at UAE as the e-administration implementation efforts have mostly been focused on the deployment of resources for performing only administrative related tasks. The major milestones to be achieved in the future will, therefore, be involved in imparting the training to the Police Officers to fully utilize the system and take advantage of how it can actually help them to overcome the traditional weaknesses of the manual system.  Ã‚  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Learning Team Dynamics and Considerations Term Paper

Learning Team Dynamics and Considerations - Term Paper Example According to the research findings it can therefore be said that Team D was composed of five members with the objective of working together in the Small Groups and Team Communication Module. The group consisted of three gentlemen and two ladies. A number of goals were established for the group; to achieve the learning outcomes of the Small Groups and Team Communication Module; to make the group experience memorable and effective; to practically learn about group dynamics. The first objective was informed by necessity as all members attending the module were divided in five groups. The second objective was informed by the need to enjoy the experience in the group while at the same time achieving the first/main objectives efficiently. The third objective was established after about a week into the module after the realization that the group offered the members an opportunity to visualize what is learnt in theory. Upon analysis and literature consultation, the goals set by the group wer e not the most effective as they did not meet all the requirements of SMART goal making; specificity, measurability, achievability, realistic and timelines. While the first goal is SMART, the other two goals are not as specific and measurable. However, the group managed to achieve the three goals amid challenges and successes (discussed in the other areas of this paper) while noting that the deficiencies in goal making such as lack of specificity impacted all other aspects of the group. Communication Strategies, Dynamics and Outcomes Communication is a critical determinant of the team process and outcomes in a small group as argued by Rothwell (2010). The author also explains that communication within a group is a transactional and continuous process in which each party is both a sender and receiver. Importantly, communication competence- defined by proficiency/deficiency and how the group deals

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing to consumers in saudi arabiawhich facets of their multiple Article

Marketing to consumers in saudi arabiawhich facets of their multiple identities do they use when - Article Example Despite the fact that cross border trade of various entities like people, products, ideas, etc. have resulted in cultures getting mixed up and losing their core identity, yet the foreign element in the home culture has not fully revamped the local culture anywhere in the world; the glimpse of the home culture remains there no matter how much the foreign culture influences it. However, this phenomenon does lead to the outcome that culture is no more a static variable but is dynamic and continues to grow as embedding of culture takes place. This dynamicity and the cross border trade has actually led individuals into behaving differently in a differing set of circumstances or simply put, they tend to portray different culture or cultural identities in different situations. Observations reveal that this is a major issue with immigrants in particular as they face dual challenge; adapt to the local environment and retain their identity. Subsequently, the arising phenomenon leads to the out come that consumers tend to utilize varying facets as they come across different situations. The purpose of this research is to analyze and differentiate between situations and circumstances that make consumer use one of the facets and prefer one over the other defining a varying consumer and consumption pattern. This research is to be conducted in the environment of Saudi Arabia. In particular, this research is aimed at investigating and highlighting the cultural variables that derive the process of marketing communication, perception of quality of service, and choice of consumption in the various categories of products and/or services. Consider the example of a young lady in Saudi Arabia; the first consideration when going out would be towards religious concerns in terms of meat and choice of restaurants. The same lady would definitely move beyond religious considerations when choosing an institute to study, for example. Even when the female goes towards shopping, the consideration and precedence for fashion and societal acceptability might be on the higher side. Similarl y, her attraction to an advertisement may be totally opposite to what her clothing or religion or institute depict her personality to be. Understanding, comprehending and investigating the variables that derive these patterns of choice and consumption is the underlying aim of this research. Saudi Arabia has a different and unique set of characteristics that are associated with its dynamics and other variables. Some of these are listed as below: Firstly, the population constitutes various nationals present, and some of them tend to be influential due to the background or their strength. Secondly, the fact remains that Saudi Arabia is an expatriate driven economy, and the expats there have strong affiliation with their nations as they cannot gain the citizenship status therewith. Thirdly, Saudi Arabia nationals have this tendency of traveling overseas and interacting with individuals from various customs, backgrounds, religions, cultures, norms, etc. Another point of consideration is the tremendous growth that is currently

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Key Differences Between De Beers Old And New Business Model Essay - 24

The Key Differences Between De Beers Old And New Business Model - Essay Example Kodak’s main strategy in this period was to avail to their customer’s high-margin film referred to as the razor blade strategy. This strategy involved Kodak’s development of inexpensive cameras as a way to an end: the company had the objective of facilitating lucrative film sales. In a heart shell, the invention of the digital camera was held back due to management’s worries about the negative effects on film sales. Nonetheless, the developmental dependencies on many other industries were extremely high as microprocessors, advances in electronic storage, and various communication soft wares for the camera and digital data transfer, soft wares for image processing, etc. Microelectronics was a problem for the company during the implementation of its strategy. However, the strategies that the company employed failed. Normally in a perfect market whenever disruptive technology exists, companies always fail to capitalize on the invention of the day for fearing cannibalizing current product sales. For instance, in 1981 when Sony introduced a filmless digital camera into the market, panic permeated Kodak company‘s executive suite. Explicitly, over the next years, the company invested about $5 billion in digital imaging. Through estimation, this was approximately 45% of the company’s R&D budget. Sadly, with disruptive technologies like digital cameras, whenever a company becomes the first-mover it has a lot of advantages and others who follow suit find it very difficult to overcome the competition. The strategy failed since by the time the company realized that their razor-blade strategy was not workable; the lions were by now out of the barn. Kodak was not able to match the competition.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Political communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Political communication - Essay Example Since the flu affects every individual regardless of gender, cultural background or economic status, the campaign is directed to all the people in United Kingdom. Special attention is also given to people coming in the country because they may be bringing the virus just like in the case of the two infected persons confined in a hospital in Scotland who arrived from Mexico (Wake Up Britain, 2009). The campaign aimed to warn people about the dangers of swine flu and at the same time educate them on how to prevent getting infected or infecting others if they suspect they already have the virus. The government used different media such as flyers (Charles, 2009; Department of Health, 2009; NHS & DHSSPS), radio and television broadcast as well as the internet to communicate the information. They hit the right target audience because with the characteristics of the flu, no one is invulnerable. The flyers contained complete information about swine flu and extended more information by giving numbers which people could call in case they need to be educated more about the virus (NHS & DHSSPS, 2009). However, it should be considered that not all who receive leaflets really read them completely. The television advertisement (Department of Health, 2009) can be considered to have effectively relayed the message to the different kinds of people by using models of different races genders and ages. It was short, clear and concise. However, the campaign was quite short and fails to expound on the seriousness of the advice being given. Nevertheless, this could also be understandable because when the campaign was done, everybody seemed to have been well-informed about the swine flu already. Perhaps it could be safe to say that the television is the most accessible medium of information because it is often used for relaxation and people do not need to read what is presented on the screen.

Where to Invest Housing Vs Stock Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Where to Invest Housing Vs Stock Market - Essay Example This also means that the investors have to rationally decide investing into different markets and instruments which coincide with their investment preferences therefore, choosing between investing into stock market or housing market is based on such investment preferences. It is generally believed that prices in housing market tend to inflate at the time when stock market performs better. This correlation suggests that a high performing stock market tend to improve the overall economic environment which also supports other markets. However, what is also important is the fact that while considering making a decision to investing into housing or stock market is dependent on the returns offered by the alternative investments at the acceptable level of risk. (Blake, 2000). Therefore, if all other things do not change; investor will make a decision where return is higher and risk is minimum. What is however, most critical is the fact that investors often face dilemma when the respective risk profiles of markets start to show greater volatility. It is very well known that making an investment into stock market is the riskiest investment because stock markets, historically, have shown greater volatility, hence greater risk, over the long period of time.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Globalisation and Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Globalisation and Democracy - Essay Example   An enduring precept of the post-Cold War era is that globalisation can be a catalyst for democratization. From one perspective, when democratic principles flounce or dribble across boundaries into controlling states, globalisation makes democratisation unavoidable. Supporters of this view point to the infectivity of independent and autonomous transitions in the world over the past quarter-century and to the ability of technology to penetrate the most closed societies. Even the most closed government of closed economies have gone online, though the broader population of these countries have no right of entry to the external world (Catharin E. Dalpino, 2001).  After the World War II, process of globalization started becoming recognized with a number of large trends for the greater international movement of commodities, money, information, and people. Post World War II era also witnessed the development of technology, organizations, legal systems, and infrastructures while having a combined effect on this international movement. Following are the catalyst factors which accelerated the process of globalisation;− Spreading of multiculturalism, and better individual access to cultural diversity− Greater international travel and tourism along with superior rate of immigration− Spread of local consumer products (e.g., food) to other countries− World-wide fads, pop culture, and sporting events− Development of a global telecommunications infrastructure (Internet etc) Globalisation and Democracy: The relationship between democracy and globalisation has been the focus of substantial policy makers and philosophers. Some argue that democracy and globalisation go hand in hand suggesting that unrestricted international transactions leads to increased political accountability and transparency. Politically free societies are likely to have minimal restrictions on the mobility of goods and services across national borders. Others argue that the causal relationship should be reversed: democracies are more likely to have closed markets and vice versa. Many economists presume that globalization and democracy go together (Barry Eichengreen, David Leblang, 2004). They believe in this hypothesis because free international transactions benefit society as a whole. According to them, it is the democracy that renders political leaders more accountable to the electorate. Hence, it should be conducive to a larger extent for the removal of restrictions on such transactions. These economic

Monday, July 22, 2019

Electrochemical cell lab Aim Essay Example for Free

Electrochemical cell lab Aim Essay Aim :- To find out the feasibility of a redox reaction by looking at the cell potential of the reaction . Quantitative observation The table below shows the values of cell potential that were recorded when the experiment was performed Reaction Cell potential (ÂÂ ±0.01V) CuSO4 and ZnSO4 0.99V CuSO4 and AgNO3 0.64V Ag 1.39V Qualitative Observation Reaction Obsevrations CuSO4 and ZnSO4 Copper sulphate turns from clear to blue , whereas zinc sulphate remains colorless CuSO4 and AgNO3 Copper sulphate is blue in color , silver nitrate is colorless Ag Data processing Experiment 1 Zn(s) - Zn2+ (aq) + 2e- (aq) Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- (aq) - Cu (s) Cu2+ (aq) + Zn(s) - Cu(s) + Zn2+ (aq) Experiment 2 Cu(s) - Cu2+ (aq)+ 2e- (aq) Ag+(aq) + e- (aq) - Ag(s) Cu(s) + 2Ag+ (aq) - Cu2+ (Aq) + 2Ag (s) Experiment 3 Zn(s) - Zn2+ (aq) + 2e- (aq) Ag+ (aq) + e- (aq)- Ag(s) Zn(s) + 2Ag+ (aq) - Zn2+ (aq) + 2Ag (s) The table below shows the literature values for the respective cell potential Reaction Cell potential (ÂÂ ±0.01V) CuSO4 and ZnSO4 0.34V CuSO4 and AgNO3 0.46 V. Ag 1.10 V Error percentage = (|difference between the literature and experimental value|)/(the literature value )x100 = (|0.34V 0.99V|)/(0.34V) x100 = 191.17% We can similarly find the error percentages for other cell potentials also The table below shows the respective error percentages of each of the cell potential Reaction Error percentage CuSO4 and ZnSO4 191.17% CuSO4 and AgNO3 39.13% Ag 16.36% Theory Electrochemical cells In an electrochemical cell, electricity is produced through chemical reactions. There consist two electrodes: the negative electrode and the positive electrode. At the negative electrode

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Religion Essays Cesar Chavez and His Movement

Religion Essays Cesar Chavez and His Movement Cesar Chavez and His Movement: The Religious Perspective Introduction At first, I didn’t know much about Cesar Chavez and his cause to help farmers. As I started reading several of his speeches, I discovered a common ground. During most of his speeches and strikes, Cesar frequently made references to the teachings of the Catholic Church. My research relates to why Chavez promoted his Catholic faith in his speeches, and what type of impact did it have on the migrant farm workers and the Catholic Church. Cesar Chavez and His Motivation for Justice Cesar Chavez was born on March 31, 1927, in Yuma Arizona. His family lived in a small farm that was granted down to the family by his grandfather.1 Trying to survive the Great Depression, the family had to migrate because they were unable to pay their property taxes. â€Å"The loss of land planted the seed of rebelliousness that would one day grow into Cesar Chavez’s willingness to protest against injustice to farm workers.†2 However, the main resentment occurred during school. Born speaking the Spanish language, the school reminded him he was an outsider: In class one of my biggest problems was the language. Of course, we bitterly resented not being able to speak Spanish, but they insisted that we had to learn English. They said that if we were American, then Villarreal 2 we should speak the language, and if we wanted to speak Spanish, we should go back to Mexico. When we spoke Spanish, the teacher swooped down on us. I remember the ruler whistling through the air as its edge came down sharply across my knuckles. It really hurt. Even out in the playground, speaking Spanish brought punishment.3 This type of treatment was the typical to Mexican-American immigrants and migrants. From a personal standpoint, my grandmother would tell me similar stories of how she was ridiculed by the teachers and the students when she emigrated from Mexico to the United States during the 1930s. Like Cesar Chavez, my grandmother never received a formal education. Her large family couldn’t afford sending everyone to school. There wasn’t enough money, and she was forced to drop out of school in order to help maintain the house along with her sisters while her brothers were out working in the cotton fields. This form of â€Å"Americanization† to speak English was forced upon many foreigners. For Chavez, however, this treatment didn’t just stay in the schools; it followed him everywhere he went as he remembers being forced to sit in segregated sections in movie theaters and being denied service in restaurants.4 All these experiences, from racial discrimination Villarreal 3 to the harsh migrant life, would later be the planting seeds to build a union dedicated to eliminating those injustices. The American Catholic Church was not too optimistic about Mexican-Americans either. The Catholic Church and the culture of Mexican Americans are very different. In Jay Dolan’s book, Mexican Americans and the Catholic Church: 1900-1965, â€Å"Hispanics bring to the Catholic Church spiritual and communal traditions which are very different from those of other Catholics whose origins lie in Anglo-Saxon and Eastern European cultures. The challenges presented to the United States Church by the large numbers of Hispanics will be formidable.†5 Mexican Americans has been criticized for their â€Å"faith expressions† that did not always reflect official American Catholic Church teachings and regulations.6 However, this was not the case with the entire Catholic Church. When Chavez moved to San Jose, California in 1952, he met a Roman Catholic priest who would dramatically impact his life.7 Father Donald McDonnell became acquainted with Chavez, and later began teaching Chavez about social justice and labor movements among farm workers. McDonnell introduced encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII that outlined the church’s support for workers who protests against injustices. These new ideas shared with Chavez sparked the development of his own personal Villarreal 4 philosophy that would inspire him to develop his own crusade to help farm workers.8 The Philosophy behind Cesar Chavez Chavez’s intellectual and moral basis for organizing farm workers came from not only from Father McDonnell but from studying a variety of subjects who were great leaders in history. However, he was particularly influenced by Mohandas Gandhi. It was through Gandhi that Chavez was inspired to introduce his own philosophy of nonviolence.9 After gaining vital experience from working as an organizer for the Community Service Organization (CSO), Chavez decided to move to Delano, California in 1962 to start his own union devoted to farm workers. His first step in organizing was to learn the physical makeup of Delano and get acquainted with the farmers. Then, he mapped out towns between Arvin and Stockton and visited each one of them over the course of six months. When he saw workers in the fields, he approached them to see if they were interested in joining a union. In 1962, Chavez convinced enough farmers to form a union known as the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA). The group would change its name several times, finally settling on the United Farm Workers (UFW).10 However, it was not an easy task forming an organization. In 1965, he delivered a speech at a meeting of the California Students Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in Fresno talking about how difficult it was to establish the NFWA. He spoke about the importance of the number of people in the union and the importance of outside help.11 Chavez found it useful to promote his newly established union to a nonviolent committee such as the SNCC to prove to the nation that this farmers union was a nonviolent one. However, nonviolence tactics did not attract all the support he needed, especially when the opposition resulted in violence. In 1966, two thousand Filipino farmers of the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC) protested over receiving lower salaries than braceros. Braceros are temporary workers from Mexico that are recruited by the grower industries. Larry Itiong, the head of the AWOC asked Chavez and the UFW to strike against grape growers. Chavez agreed to strike but the moment they began to hit the picket lines, the growers fired guns at the strikers. Chavez recalled: â€Å"in a period of seven days we had fourteen incidents where they actually fired a gun at the strikers.† 12 Chavez quickly realized the importance of outside help after the grape strike. Chavez thought that the strike would be only against the growers but he was wrong. He later recalled: Within twenty-four hours from the movement that we had hit the picket lines, the City Council had passed a resolution condemning the Red ties. The High School Board and the Elementary School Board had done the same thing. And the Chamber of Commerce did it also with the exception that their statement was a lot more wordy. And three days later when everything seemed to be against us the Church had not yet acted†¦At that point we were cut off completely. We had no friends in Delano except for the workers. We had no money†¦Things looked very bad for us.13 Using Religion Chavez knew that if he wanted to rebound from this negativity, he would need support from the Catholic Church. Since most of his UFW was composed of Mexican Catholics, the blessings of the Church would legitimize the union and unite their followers.14 However, the Catholic Church was not really helping his cause at first, but he was getting help from the California Migrant Ministry (CMM). At first Cesar was suspicious of the CMM because they were Protestant, but he later admired them for their help and condemned the Catholic Church for not helping his cause for justice. In his speech â€Å"The Mexican American and the Church,† he thanks the entirety of the Church, not the Catholic Church, for the help with the Delano grape strike. At about that same time, we began to run into the California Migrant Ministry in the camps and field. They were about the only ones there, and a lot of us were very suspicious, since we were Catholics and they were Protestants. However, they had developed a very clear conception of the Church. It was called to serve, to be at the mercy of the poor, and not to try to use them. After a while this made a lot of sense to us, and we began to find ourselves working side by side with them. In fact, it forced us to raise the question why our Church was not doing the same.15 It became obvious that the Protestant groups were deeply involved with Chavez and his cause. Chavez and the farm workers wanted the church to walk with them in their struggle for justice. Chavez wanted the Catholic Church to serve the farmers because their cause for justice was legitimate: What do we want the Church to do? We don’t ask for more cathedrals. We don’t ask for bigger churches or fine gifts. We ask for its presence with us, beside us, as Christ among us. We ask the Church to sacrifice with the people for social change, for justice, and for love of brother. We don’t’ ask for words. We ask for deeds. We don’t ask for paternalism. We ask for servanthood.16 This was a good strategy for Chavez since it placed the Catholic Church in a position that if they don’t help the farmers, the Church would risk getting criticized for helping the oppressors of the farmers. He finally got the help he was looking for. In 1966, Chavez planned to enter the DiGiorgio grape property in order to retrieve personal belongings left at the camp by the farmers. Chavez â€Å"wanted to have either Father Victor Salandini, a Catholic priest, or Chris Hartmire [an ordained minister] go into the camp as witnesses.†17 However, the priests were promptly arrested when they entered the property, but were later released. The result of the priests being arrested sparked a unity between the Catholic Church and the Mexican American cause to stop injustices. In 1968, the U.S. Catholic bishops addressed the need for the Catholic Church to assist in reconciliation between the growers and the farmers. â€Å"In addition, the bishops recognized the legitimacy of the workers’ demand for legislative protection for their right to organize for the purpose of collective-bargaining contracts†¦Finally, the U.S. bishops Villarreal 9 affirmed the moral teaching of the church with regard to the right of workers to organize and strike.†18 Chavez reaching out to the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church responding, portrayed to the nation that the farmer’s cause was a religious and moral movement to end injustice. The religious imagery, in turn, united the farmers and it’s followers. Conclusion Cesar Chavez and his religious perspective helped unite people to fight for the farmers. By being acquainted with the writings of Pope Leo XIII, Chavez understood the impact religion can have when fighting for injustices. The Catholic Church preaches good morals and ethics, so Chavez was able to relate his cause to the teachings of the Church. The religious ties brought respect to the organization especially among Hispanics. The majority of Hispanics are very religious people. I know this because I’ve lived in a Hispanic environment all my life. My mother and father are Hispanics and religious faith plays a big role in our lives. In fact, I’ve seen a lot of Hispanics go to the extreme of tattooing the crucifix or the Virgin Mary on their bodies to show their religious faith to the public. It’s the homespun religion we obtain from our elders that keeps the Mexican-American and Catholicism united. Chavez knew the relationships between Mexican Catholics and the Church, so he successfully united his followers by using religious imagery. Dalton, Frederick John. The Moral Vision of Cesar E. Chavez. New York: Orbis Books, 2003. Dolan, Jay. Mexican Americans and the Catholic Church. University of Notre Dame Press, 1994. Hammerback, John C., and Richard J. Jensen. The Rhetorical Career of Cesar Chavez. College Station: Texas AM Press, 1998. Ingram, Catherine. â€Å"Cesar Chavez.† In In the Footsteps of Gandhi: Conversations with Spiritual Social Activists, 98-121. Berkeley, Calif.: Parallaz Press, 1990. Levy, Jacques E. Cesar Chavez: Autobiography of La Causa. New York: W.W. Norton Company, 1975. Meister, Dick, and Anne Loftis. A long Time Coming: The Struggle to Unionize America’s Farm Workers. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1977. Mosqueda, Lawrence J. Chicanos, Catholicism and Political Ideology. Lanham, MD.: University of Press of America, 1996.

Consumer Knowledge About Nutritional Information Marketing Essay

Consumer Knowledge About Nutritional Information Marketing Essay The research is based on the impact of nutritional labeling on consumer buying behavior. the purpose of the study is to identify the factors that influence consumers to consider nutritional labeling while making a purchase from them or for their house hold. Moreover it also determines that printed nutritional value on packaged food products is essential for the consumer buying decision. This study made the researchers clear about the knowledge a consumer have about a nutritional content of package food products and also the nutrients a consumer look for their healthy diet through detailed published articles, journals and blogs related to food label. Many articles were referred for understanding of the reasons which play an important role in consumer buying behavior. This research is based on quantitative data; secondary data is referred for the understanding of the topic. The data is collected through questionnaires from 200 respondents of different age, gender, income and education level living in different areas of Karachi mainly from Defence/Clifton, KDA/Bahadarabad/PECHS, North Nazimabad/Nazimabad/F.B. Area, Gulshan e Iqbal/Gulistan e Jauhar/Malir and Saddar. The findings which are analyzed through this research are that there are various factors that influence consumers to read nutritional labeling while making a purchase. By these findings the researchers are able to develop a framework representing the socio economic classifications (SEC) that have an impact on consumer buying behavior. result_________________________ Introduction: Background: Labeling is defined as printed information or written text on the container of the product or it can be define as a subset of packaging (Prathiraja Ariyawardana, 2003). In food industry, labeling might just include the name of a brand, name of a product or logo but mostly it includes variety of information about a product like nutritional information, manufacturing date, expiration date, method of usage, contacts etc along with brand name, product name and logo. A label is one of the points of contact between producer and purchaser and is also a part of producer marketing plan (Prathiraja Ariyawardana, 2003). Labeling make consumers aware about any unique characteristic of the food, its nutritional properties, the way to use and how to preserve, all of these are of the upmost importance when buying, since the consumer has the opportunity to make purchasing decision (Senesi, Nayga, Gà ³mez, Palau, Ordoà ±ez, 2006). The items that consumers are most likely to read are price, prepa ration, manipulation and preservation of products. Another study revealed the items most read comprise calories, fats, sugar and fiber contents (Godwin, Henderson, Thompson, 2006). Information on a food label was found to affect a customer purchase behavior significantly. Nutritional information might make easy label use by increasing its benefits and by increasing the effectiveness of their use, thereby reducing the cost of using them. Nutritional information plays a significant role in providing relevant information to consumer through which the purchasing behavior varies (Prathiraja Ariyawardane, 2003). The level of awareness required to make the purchase decisions are compared across different socio-economic groups. Many investigators have also found that the interest in reading the food labels increases with age up to the mid-fifties, and thereafter it declines (Sushil Kumar Jabir Ali, 2011). The food printed label includes different information but it is found that nutritio nal value is one of the most important information for customers. Research Problem: The purpose of the study is to identify factors on the nutritional food label in influencing purchase decision in accordance with the socio-economic classification (SEC) of the consumers, while secondary objective of the research is to identify the characteristics of consumers and the extent of knowledge concerning nutritional value (senesi et al, 2006). Moreover this research helps to find the relation between printed nutrition value on packaged food product and consumer buying behavior. Consumers will choose better food products if they understand and use the food labels (senesi et al, 2006). The study explores the complex relationship of nutrition knowledge and consumer buying decision (Drichoutis, Lazaridis and Nayga,2006). The study can help to determine that printed nutritional value on packaged food products is essential for the customer buying decision or not. In the context to nutritional labeling, many customer switch towards other products after reading printed nutrition v alue such as fat, calories etc. The study also identifies those nutrition values which have a negative effect on consumer buying behavior. Problem Statement: The impact of printed nutritional labeling on consumer buying behavior. Objective of the study: To analyze the impact of printed nutritional labeling on consumer buying behavior. Sub Objectives: To examine the impact of printed nutritional labeling according to the gender of respondents. To identify how different age group respond to products with nutritional labeling. To analyze how educational level affect the consumers response to nutritional level. To study the impact of households income towards buying products with nutritional labeling. Scope: This research will be a study of Karachi, Pakistan. We will get the forms filled by middle and upper middle class visiting the malls and various supermarkets. We will ask them whether their buying preferences changed after reading the nutrition fact. Justification: By the research we will get to know how nutritional information printed on packaged food will benefit each stake holders: The biggest advantage for consumers will be confidence and ownership as the product is tested under certain standards. They will feel that the product is healthy for them. Consumers will get the advantage of time saving as they dont have to search and find out whether the product is safe or not. It will be beneficial for consumers who are health conscious and individuals who are on special diet recommended by doctors. Consumers can use health claims, which appear on the front of food packages, to recognize foods with positive nutritional qualities related to risk factors. Printed nutritional labeling will serve as a great way of promotion for the manufacture as it will provide their product an image of a safe and healthy brand. The producer will have its own unique product identity. The producer will get the competitive advantage as they will retain the loyal customer, lose fewer customers and attract more new customers. Assumptions: Our assumption is that all the economic indicators will remain same as well as the pattern of buying behavior. This assumption is made so that we can have result that is based on complete objectivity. We are also assuming that the nutrition information printed on the label of the packaged food is correct and by concerned authority. There is no kind of miss interpretation and proper application of government policy is kept in view by the producers while printing of the nutritional labeling.   In this research we are also assuming that consumers are aware of printed nutritional labeling found at the back of the every food item. Limitations: Our study will only consider the impact of gender, income, age, and life style index (LSI) and education level towards consumer buying behavior of nutritional products with printed nutritional labels on them. We are only focusing on those food products that have printed labeling on them. Structure of Report The research is divided into five main chapters which are Introduction, Literature review, Research Methodology, Data Findings and Analysis, Conclusion and Recommendations. Chapter 1 of this research relates to introduction and background of the study, research problem and objectives, justification of the research and a brief study of the search methodology that is used. Chapter 2 is about the previous studies conducted on nutritional labeling and consumer behavior. It also discusses the socio-economic factors which influence consumer buying behavior towards reading nutritional labeling on packaged food products in Karachi. Chapter 3 focuses on the research methodology, research design, sampling techniques, data analysis method, research design, as well as limitations to this research. In Chapter 4, the focus is on the research findings, Chapter 5 on analysis of the data that has been collected from respondents through questionnaires. Chapter 6 is Conclusion and recommendations that have been derived from this research are in Chapter 7. Literature Review: Printed nutrition labels are proposed to be used to help people make healthier choices, and consumers recognize them as a tool to improve health. Consumers can get relevant nutritional information with the help of nutritional labeling. It is found in researches that the consumer purchase behavior is affected by the nutritional labeling. The presence of nutritional information may influence the consumers to switch from unhealthy food products towards healthy food products (Anderson Zarkin, 1992). The interest on the consumers is to purchase and intake of improved nutritional foods which thus depends on the quantity and quality of information provided through a number of sources that also includes nutritional labeling. A printed label not only carries a brand name but also a source of important information (Caswell Padberg, 1999). CONSUMER KNOWLEDGE ABOUT NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION: Due to globalization, consumers are becoming more aware about nutritional information because there is an increase in the food information available to them through sources such as food nutritional labeling, electronic and print media.Advertising involvement is another marketing concept that helps to identify consumer interest in processing making information. The impact of advertising creates a perception in the minds of consumers regarding the product and increases the awareness and reinforces the consumer to purchase a certain brand that has high advertisement involvement (KapoorKulshrestha, 2008). As the consumers have become more demanding now days therefore the producers have understand the psychology of consumers and guide them with practical knowledge to cater the market and serve the people. Consumers can end up making better food choices if they value and make use of the nutritional labeling. The government is also playing an essential part by imposing restrictions on the consumption of some products. Therefore, they are regulating product labeling especially on food processing where it is manufactured. This has a positive effect on consumers behavior as they can get to know the amount of nutrients content present in a food. (Senesi et al, 2006). NUTRITIONAL LABELLING: The nutritional labels have become increasingly important, particularly as products move from the status of basic commodities to highly processed, value-added products significance of a well-balanced diet. Nutrition information on groceries items allows consumers to consume a range of healthy foods, maintain optimum weight and choose a diet with low fat/ cholesterol. Select a diet with abundance of vegetables, fruits, and grain products, and restrain from sugars, salt/sodium that are considered unhealthy. Consumers can use health claims, which appear on the front of food packages, to recognize foods with positive nutritional qualities related to risk factors and wellness. These are the claims about the relationship between a nutrient or a food and the risk of an illness or health-related condition (JeddiZaeim, 2010). A label might carry only the brand name or a great deal of nutritional information (Kotler, 2001). A label is the most important point of contact between the manufacturer and the buyer and it is consider as an important part of marketing as well. It is not only consider a piece of paper stuck on the package but also an expression on which consumer important decisions are based. A label should clearly and simply state the name of the product, the nutrition facts (nutritional label), the net weight, the name and address of the producer, and the brand name. The label printed on the packaged food is mostly viewed before purchasing the product which portrays that the label has an impact on the buying behavior of individuals. Consumers inclination to a food item is directly affected by self-control and temptation. (Hassan et al., 2010), (Campos et al., 2011). The printed food labels act as an indicating tool by which food companies assure that their potential consumers are satisfied regarding to their sound quality control practices. However, there are many issues and questions related to food labeling till date, one such question has been raised around the globe which is how far the consumer is aware of printed food labeling and can they understand the provided relevant information on the package. Consumers who are more health conscious have a habit of reading the label. They prefer to purchase an item that fulfills their daily nutritional value even if the brand is of higher price than the other brands available in market. This behavior can also be applied on consumers who have medical problems such as diabetes or cholesterol. This shows that certain category of consumers is willing to pay a higher price for nutrients beneficial for them (Magistris et al., 2010). Nutritional label benefits the consumers to analyze the factors of packaged food which allow them to have a healthier diet choice. According to the mechanism of the body they can balance the amount food to consume that will help them to stay fit in long run (Drichoutis et al., 2008). The consumers in Middle East give preference to the label at the time of first purchase. A study was carried out which showed that when consumers purchase the product for the first time they read the nutrients present in the food and on latter purchase of the same food brand they check the date till which they can use the product and the date of manufacture (Washi, 2012). Consumers also take into consideration of the health claims relation to nutrition such as vitamin, protein, sugar free and etc. people believe them to be true and help them to make the decision quicker. If certain health claim is present in front they grasp the product and further read the nutrient label to know that what other good nutrients are present in it. Consumers prefer that short and easy words are used so that they can understand them easily. Moreover if the claims are approved by FDA it gives an added advantage and surety that an agency is keeping a check on companies (Williams, 2005). The consumers with the help of labeling gets to know and understand the products characteristics, nutritional properties, preservation and instructions to facilitate the consumers to make a sound decision at the time of purchase, hence it carries a great significance (Senesi et al, 2006). By identifying the factors that have an effect on the peoples use of dietary labeling, the manufacturers can do the profiling of the consumers that do or do not exercise nutritional food labeling. It can result in improving public health, manipulating the proper labeling and increasing the productivity of the company (Senesi et al, 2006). Similarly the people who have much time to spend on grocery shopping are found to be more label users (Drichoustis 2006). It can also be seen that consumers who are more anxious about their health and nutrition give more time to read the printed nutritional labels. Similarly, consumers who are on a special diet or organic buyers or even those that have any kind of disease are preferred to search for on-pack printed nutrition information (Drichoustis 2006). Type of household also holds effect on reading of printed nutritional labels, as in a case where smaller households or households with young children are more involved in nutrition information sea rch behaviors. People with a healthier profile and eating habits prefer to see glance at the printed nutritional labeling for a more appropriate knowledge of the product. Moreover printed nutritional labeling is not directly linked with price and is preferred by people following a special diet plan or with health related issues like high BP, sugar, heart diseases or any kind of food allergies (Magistris et al., 2010). Printed nutritional labeling empowers consumers to have their own view at the components of the products which enables them to have a healthier diet choice in a way which they can intake in their busy life style now a days. (Drichoutis et al., 2008). The effects of printing nutritional labeling can be even greater on the buying behavior of consumer and they can be more educated if labeling is combined with an information campaign. It has been found in the research that purchasing behavior of consumers is effected by the nutritional information present on the label because this information influence their perception about the products and thus change their decision ultimately (Drichoustis 2006). It seems like Nutritional information on the back of the package creates favorable judgments about a product. For example, when a consumer reads the nutrients content on the back of the packaged food product which are beneficial for their health they will compare that particular product with other products and will be more likely to purchase that product. Other researchers have argued that provision of health related or printed nutritional labeling information does not always lead to healthier consumption of diet. Most empirical research, however, suggests that providing printed nutritional labeling information can significantly change dietary patterns in a consumers lifestyle of eating (Drichoustis 2006). Printing of Nutritional labels is also associated with giving consumers an edge to improve their diets by intake of high vitamin C, low cholesterol, and low percentage of calories from fat as they are now able to know what exactly they are consuming. Printed nutrition labeling on packaged foods are very clear sources of nutrition information for the consumers. They are observed as a highly trustworthy source of information and many consumers use it as their guidance in order to make purchase decisions easy. (Campos et al., 2011). It is often seen that there are consumers who considers printed nutritional labeling on the products during their shopping experiences and are happy to pay even a premium on the products having printed nutritional labeling on them. (Loureiro et al., 2006). Printed nutrition labeling information lowers down the usage of products which contain harmful ingredients and increases the consumption of products containing healthy ingredients. (Drichoutis et al., 2006). Purpose of printed nutritional labeling is to educate consumers to shift to healthier food choices, and force the competitors to add more printed nutritional value in their product and to competition on nutritional quality; printed nutritional labeling represents a helpful tool making consumers make informed decisions about their diet and lifestyle. (Daud et al., 2011). Nutritional labeling enables the consumers to have a view at the components of the products which enables them to have a healthier diet choice in which they can improve their intake of the require nutritious and proteins (Drichoutis et al., 2008). Nutrition labels on pre-packaged foods are very clear sources of nutrition information. They are perceived as a highly trustworthy source of information and many consumers use their guidance in order to make purchase decisions (Campos et al., 2011). The results show that there are consumers who considers nutritional labeling on the products during their shopping experiences and are happy to pay even a premium on the products having nutritional labeling on them (Loureiro et al., 2006). Nutrition labeling information decreases the use of products containing harmful components and improves the consumption of the products containing healthy components (Drichoutis et al., 2006). Customers do consider nutritional labeling when making a purchasing decision. Especially the old age people or individuals who are sick or with a special diet recommended having at least tertiary education read nutritional labeling. Moreover households with less than four members were willing to pay more for the nutritional labels (Prathiraja et al., 2003). As a whole nutritional labeling has a huge impact on consumer purchase behavior. There is some evidence that nutrition labeling makes consumers to switch products on the name of healthy and unhealthy diet plans. The preference for nutrient intake usually depends on the demand and supply of the product. From the demand perspective, consumers interest in purchase of healthy diets directly depends on consumers intakes. Consumers ability to make a decision regarding healthy diets usually depends on the information available through different sources (PrathirajaAriyawardana, 2008). If the products does not contain label the consumer may be unaware of its nutritional contents. Consumers usually form their own belief regarding the nutritional value of the product on the basis of information that they get from different sources, However this perception usually lead to either over or under value of the nutritional labeling of the product. Choosing food usually contains a trade of between taste and health contents of a particular product have negative impact on health because individuals usually perceived that decreasing the consumption of the food can lead to improve health conditions (PrathirajaAriyawardana, 2008). The results give a clear signal that printed labels is not linked with gender and age though its consumption relates with the income levels, education and occupation of the consumers. Most lifestyle products such as breakfast cereals, readymade dressings etc. that would mostly be used by people who have relatively higher levels of income and education would pay more attention to various kinds of label information (Sushil Kumar Jabir Ali, 2011). In the context of emerging economies, very little is known regarding consumers expectations and their response to printed food label information (Wang et al., 2008). Pakistans emerging economy is witnessing exceptional boom in the organized retail growth. Its consumers are in the process of changing their consumption/buying behavior especially with respect to food items. Consumption of processed and packaged food items has grown tremendously in the recent past. There is an increase in the demand for healthy food products and with this kind of change in lifestyle and consumption pattern, the quality of food and its safety standards are becoming essential from public policy perspective. ROLE OF FDA (FOOD AND DRUG ASSOCIATION) IN NUTRIONAL LABELLING: Labeling is a part of packaging. Label can be defined as an attachment to the product but according to the Food and Drug Association (FDA), a label is the chief point of contact between the manufacturer and the purchaser. It is described as a crucial part of the manufacturers marketing plan. FDA further explains that the label should carry the name, brand name and the net weight of the product with nutrition facts along with some details of the manufacturer. These food labels increases in complexity as the food products moves from basic commodities to highly process. It therefore keeps a check of the quantity of sugar, fiber, protein that is consumed and allows the purchasers to make an informed decision of the product. (FDA,1998). food_label.jpg With the guidance of dietary health experts, consumers can utilize the nutritional labeling to make better choices and to maintain a well-balanced diet. According to FDA (1998), consumers can enjoy a variety of foods; have a hale and hearty diet with low cholesterol/fats. Take a diet with different fruits or grains and can moderate the usage of salt and/or sodium if nutrition information is practiced. Hence, it carries a relationship between the nutrients and the threat of a disease. If the packaged food products are not labeled, customers may not be aware of their nutrient content. If the consumers form their own belief about nutrient content based on advertising or their own knowledge about food, it can result in underestimation or overestimation of the food content in untagged food products (Anderson and Zarkin, 1992). Especially for prepared food products, nutritional labeling is required more often (Godwin, Henderson, Thompson, 2006). Recently Food and Drug Association (FDA) conducted a research for anticipated changes in the plan and for the usage of the current labels. Therefore, with the sample size of 160 consumers to know if they use the labeling and if so, which part of it is more useful? Almost 21% consumers said that they always examine the tagging while the majority of them told that they often use the label before purchasing the item for consumption. Component of the label most frequently read is of fats, calorie, sugar and fiber contents. The list of ingredients with the health statements were read less. Respondents using high calorie food items like chips, sodas, bakery products etc. said that that do not make use of calorie part while two thirds of them said that they use the labeling rather than relying on their food knowledge and they do understand the importance of labeling. So it can be understood that majority of the respondents use and understand the significant of nutritional labeling and perceived themselves as knowledgeable consumers but a large survey has to be conducted to find the complete awareness and the consumers indulgent. (Godwin, Henderson, Thompson, 2006). A consideration to the food tagging can influence a change in purchasing pattern that can result in improving health. (McLean 2001). FDA with its efforts of providing food information on packaged food items educates the consumers and helps them in the purchasing decision (Satia, GalankoNeuhouser, 2001). CONSUMER AWARENESS ABOUT PACKAGED FOOD PRODUCT: A study was conducted in Islamabad to identify the response of consumer buying behavior in terms of packaging and nutritional labeling. The result showed that Pakistani marketing is getting aware of the nutritional facts of a packaged product. Further, it illustrates that Consumers read the content when they buy packaged food of a particular brand. If repetition is carried out then only manufacture date and expiry date is taken into consideration. The study also found out that a lot of people only check the dates to determine the nutrients. Also, people are still unaware that how much each nutrient is desired by their body and the concept of daily consumption/per meal consumption in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle (Zaidi, 2012). Another study was conducted in our neighboring country, India on Assessing Awareness and Usage Level of Indian Consumer and Influences on Food Buying Behavior. The research show that consumer seek extended information on labels. The result showed satisfactory level of awareness about information available on labels displayed on packaged food and people just skim through the nutrient facts before purchasing the product. In the market consumers also give high value to ingredients and nutrients. Whereas the brand and taste of product is the factor that is consider more as compare to the nutritional value. if these two are liked and the nutrients present are harmful for their health even then product will be purchased (kumar, 2008). Another study conducted in Europe on consumer response to nutrition information on food labels shows that people are aware of the importance of nutrition information on packaged foods. Consumers are aware that in order to maintain a healthy life nutritional food must be taken, therefore they try to make use of the information present on the label as much as they can. However the preference among the consumer differs while purchasing the packaged food such as likeable taste and etc. Secondly consumers prefer to have a simple and easy to understand nutrition information printed on the package. Complicated information and usage of too many jargons leads to confusion and consume their time. They like if noticeable printing to highlight the information as it will catch the eye at once and will also grab the attention of the consumers who are not in the habit of reading the label. Another point that was identified in the study was related to the format of the label and the technical terms including numbers, calculations and even percentages make it difficult for the consumer to decide among the products (Grunert, 2006). Therefore it is extremely beneficial if we find out the likeable ways that grabs the attention of the consumer. The ways would differ depending upon the nature of the product. The psychology of a consumer would be kept in mind while providing the information so that it becomes noticeable and every time when she/he purchases the product reads the label. (Kremers et al. 2006). A research carried out on whether consumers look at nutrition labeling showed it depends on the demographics factors that which nutrients ( sugar, fat, calories) are preferred by the consumers and how much are they interested in reading the nutritional label (Drichoutis et al. 2006). A research paper highlighted that nutrition label on the packaged food can guide consumers to maintain and improve their diet plan and make choices among the food. The effect of nutritional information has a positive impact in switching from one product to another due to beneficial nutrients present in the food. On the other hand nutritional label also have a negative impact on the manufacturer as consumers would avoid the food products that have high content of sugar and fats present it (Nayga, 2006). Consumer search for product information is an active process that involves reading nutritional labeling and then comparing them with other products information and after evaluation of each products information a consumer makes a right decision for purchase. The main cost for a consumer in searching information through label use is the time he/she spends on reading labels; the benefits of this will be healthier food choices. Consumers that are health conscious or have poor health condition through this will be able to search for a more nutritious diet and a healthy life, thus reducing all the risk of an unhealthy diet. Consumers may be aware about the importance of nutritional labeling but time can be an obstacle for the people who have to accomplish plenty of tasks. The purchase decision of employed consumers regarding the quality of product can be low, the reason being less time to spare on labeling than the unemployed consumers who have the time to make an appropriate decision regarding the quality of food products they will purchase (Kim, Nayga Capps, 2001). People make use of the label for various purposes but consumers should be encouraged to use the label more often and create awareness on how to apply this information more efficiently and conveniently (Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition 2004). Therefore, policy makers should identify different ways on how to motivate people to change the behavior of reading nutritional labeling before purchase of the packaged product. According to the Lancaster Product Characteristics theory in 1966, the consumers are a

Saturday, July 20, 2019

No Child Left Behind Act Essay -- School Education Learning Essays Pap

No Child Left Behind Act The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, President George W. Bush's education reform bill, was signed into law on Jan. 8, 2002. The No Child Left Behind Act says that states will develop and apply challenging academic standards in reading and math. It will also set annual progress objectives to make sure that all groups of students reach proficiency within 12 years. And the act also says that children will be tested annually in grades 3 through 8, in reading and math to measure their progress. The test results will be made public in annual report cards on how schools and states are progressing toward their objectives. States will have until the 2005-06 school year to develop and apply their tests. Once the tests are in place, schools will be required to show "adequate yearly progress" toward their statewide objectives. This means that they must demonstrate through their test scores that they are on track to reach 100 percent proficiency for all groups of students within 12 years. The schools that fall behind may tend to have school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring measures forced by the state. The No Child Left Behind Act has many positive and negative aspects. Many school teachers and community members are starting to challenge many of the features of the No Child Left Behind Act. Many people feel that the law was developed too quickly and that it was pushed through Congress. For many years, both Democrats and Republicans h...

Friday, July 19, 2019

What September 11, 2001 Has Meant To Me :: September 11 Terrorism Essays

On September 11, 2001 our Nation sat and watched in fear and horror as unknown assailants attacked the American people on our own soil, a feat that has not been seen since World War II. The atrocities of this day have evoked an abundance of overwhelming emotions that have spread throughout the world like wild fire. The diversity of my emotions is still pulling me in several different directions, making it difficult for me to place a meaning to September 11, 2001. I like the rest of America watch as countries throughout the world lend support and aid to our country. I watch these events unfold with great pride and relief as foreign nations bond together and aid us in order to fight a common foe. If nothing else good comes out of this atrocity at least we have proved that the majority of this world can come together and work as one. My pride at watching this world come together is not totally felt as I observe our home front. I have spent my entire life traveling this world and for the past ten years have continued that travel as a member of the U.S. Navy. My one regret is the fact that at times I am embarrassed to call myself an American, for in no other country does it take over four thousand deaths and mass destruction for a people to find pride in their Nation. I am disgusted with our Nations sudden patriotic values and ashamed. What have we been teaching our children for the past twenty years? As with so many others my strongest emotion is fear. Fear for what we are getting into and fear that our â€Å"newly found Americans† will prove history right. This is a war to the likes that no one has ever seen and I don’t think Americans, to no fault of their own, realize the true extent of what we are dealing with. I have learned and experienced so many things as a member of the Armed forces. It is this knowledge that every sailor and soldier alike has that allows me to see just how horrific this war could be.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Conventional Machining vs Non-Conventional Machining

lConventional Machining VS Non-Conventional Machining Conventional machining usually involves changing the shape of a workpiece using an implement made of a harder material. Using conventional methods to machine hard metals and alloys means increased demand of time and energy and therefore increases in costs; in some cases conventional machining may not be feasible. Conventional machining also costs in terms of tool wear and in loss of quality in the product owing to induced residual stresses during manufacture.With ever increasing demand for manufactured goods of hard alloys and metals, such as Inconel 718 or titanium, more interest has gravitated to non-conventional machining methods. Conventional machining can be defined as a process using mechanical (motion) energy. Non-conventional machining utilises other forms of energy. The three main forms of energy used in non-conventional machining processes are as follows : †¢ †¢ †¢ Thermal energy Chemical energy Electrical energy One example of machining using thermal energy is laser. Thermal methods have many advantages over conventional machining, but there are a few of disadvantages. Inconel 718, titanium and other hard metals and alloys have a very high melting point. Using thermal methods will require high energy input for these materials. Concentrating heat onto any material greatly affects its microstructure and will normally cause cracking, which may not be desirable. Safety requirements for thermal methods, especially laser, are demanding in terms of time and cost. Machining large areas or many surfaces at the same time using thermal methods is not normally possible. †¢ †¢ †¢ The methods using electrical energy are electrodischarge machining (EDM) and nodic machining (AM), which are similar in practice. EDM, often refered to as spark erosion, uses pulsed voltage to remove material from a workpiece and a non-conductive medium to clear the debris. Because the medium is electrica lly inert the tool is a direct reverse of the workpiece and no complicated tool design criteria are required. But the shock of spark erosion can affect the microstructure on the surface of the workpiece. Also, EDM has a lower material removal rate than AM. The chemicals used in AM are non-toxic and the energy required is less than other nonconventional machining processes.It has no effect on the microstructure of the workpiece. The electrolyte can even be common sea water, enabling AM to be used in a sub-sea capacity. The hardness and thermal resistivity of the workpiece material do not matter therefore hard metals and alloys can be machined using tools made from softer materials. The only disadvantage is that tool design is a little more complex than that of EDM, but software is being developed to make this easier. The controllability, environmental versatility, speed, safety and absence of change in workpiece microstructure make AM a competitive manufacturing process.

Environmental Psychology Essay

milieual psychological science is the study of minutes in the midst of individuals and their physical settings (Gifford, 2007a). In these transactions, individuals diversify their purlieus, and their behavior and generates are changed by their purlieus. It includes theory, enquiry, and utilize aimed at making the built environment more mankinde and improving human relations with the ingrained environment. Considering the enormous investing society makes in the physical environment (including grammatical constructions, parks, streets, the atmosphere, and water) and the huge cost of misusing constitution and internal resources, environmental psychology is a pigment comp wizardnt of both human and environmental welfare.Environmental psychologists work at terzetto levels of analysis (a) fundamental psychological processes manage perception of the environment, spatial cognition, and ainity as they filter and structure human experience and behavior, (b) the management of social space personal space, territoriality, crowding, and privacy, and the physical setting aspects of complex perfunctory behaviors, such(prenominal) as working, learning, living in a residence and community, and (c) human interactions with nature and the role of psychology in mode change (e.g., Gifford, 2008a). The history of environmental psychology has been reviewed elsewhere (see Bechtel & Churchman, 2002, Bell, Greene, Fisher, & Baum, 2001, and Gifford, 2007a).But, for perspective, we note that early twentieth century psychologists studied the effect of perturbation (United States) and heat (England) on work performance, mend scholars in Ger umteen and Japan explored concepts and moral philosophy related to environmental psychology. By mid-century, environmental psychology was a clearly completed discipline with work on topics such as sensory isolation, personal space, and building design. Journals devoted to the field were established the most(prenominal) prominent o f these are the Journal of Environmental psychology and Environment and Behavior. The IAAP Handbook of use psychology, First Edition. Edited by capital of Minnesota R. Martin, Fanny M. Cheung, Michael C. Knowles, Michael Kyrios, Lyn Littlefield, J. Bruce Overmier, and Jos M. Prieto. 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2011 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. c18.indd 440 11/25/2010 85404 PMMartinIAAP Handbook of Applied Psychology SeEnvironmental Psychology 441 objet dart recognizing the value of theory and research, many environmental psychologists nevertheless prefer to apply knowledge. rather of working in an research setting, many enter into consultancy or public emolument to make good use of research findings for developing policy or figure out local problems. Some are pitch to improving the built environment (e.g., Preiser, Vischer, & White, 1991), while others are dedicated to overcoming sustainability problems in the natural and global ecosystems (e.g., Gifford, 2007b N ickerson, 2003).The Distinctiveness of Environmental PsychologyMost psychologists examine the relations between environmental stimuli and human responses in one way or another. However, what sets environmental psychology apart is its commitment to research and charge that subscribe to these goals and principles (a) Improve the built environment and stewardship of natural resources, (b) Study everyday settings (or close down simulations of them), (c) Consider person and setting as a holistic entity, (d) Recognize that individuals actively cope with and shape environments they do not passively respond to environmental forces, (e) become in conjunction with other disciplines. physical body 18.1 broadly depicts the scope of environmental psychology.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Part Five Chapter VI

VIShirley showered and pulled dress out of the wardrobe while Howard slept noisily on. The church bell of St Michael and All Saints, mob for ten oclock matins, reached her as she buttoned up her cardigan. She al focuss thought how loud it mustiness be for the Jawandas, living right opposite, and hoped that it taken with(p) them as a loud declaration of Pagfords adherence to the old focal points and traditions of which they, so conspicuously, were non a part.Automatically, because it was what she so frequently did, Shirley walked along the hall, turned into Patricias old sleeping accommodation and sit down down at the computer.Patricia ought to be here, sleeping on the sofa-bed that Shirley had make up for her. It was a relief non to amaze to deal with her this morning. Howard, who had lock away been humming The park, Green Grass of Home when they arrived at Ambleside in the earlier hours, had not realized that Patricia was absent until Shirley had had the constitute in the front door.Wheres Pat? he had wheezed, leaning against the porch.Oh, she was upset that Melly didnt want to come, sighed Shirley. They had a row or something I hold shes gone home to try and assemble things up.Never a dull moment, tell Howard, bouncing lightly off tack walls of the narrow hallway as he navigated his way carefully towards the bedroom.Shirley brought up her darling medical website. When she typed in the first garner of the rail she wished to investigate, the site offered its explanation of EpiPens again, so Shirley swiftly revised their use and content, because she great power yet have an opportunity to restrain their potboys life. Next, she carefully typed in eczema, and learned, somewhat to her disappointment, that the condition was not infectious, and could not, therefore, be used as an excuse to sack Sukhvinder Jawanda.From sheer long suit of habit, she then typed in the address of the Pagford Parish Council website, and clicked onto the pith boar d.She had grown to recognize at a glance the shape and length of the substance abuser name The_Ghost_of_Barry_Fairbrother, just as a besotted l all over knows at at one time the back of their beloveds head, or the set of their shoulders, or the tilt of their walk.A single glimpse at the topmost message sufficed turbulence exploded he had not forsaken her. She had cognize that Dr Jawandas outburst could not go unpunished. social occasion of the First Citizen of PagfordShe read it, but did not, at first, understand she had been expecting to see Parminders name. She read it again, and gave the suffocated billow of a woman being lay down by icy water.Howard Mollison, First Citizen of Pagford, and long-standing resident physician Maureen Lowe have been more than business partners for more years. It is common knowledge that Maureen holds regular tastings of Howards finest salami. The simply person who appears not to be in on the secret is Shirley, Howards wife.Completely nonopera tional in her chair, Shirley thought its not true.It could not be true.Yes, she had once or in two ways suspected had hinted, sometimes, to Howard No, she would not believe it. She could not believe it.But other heap would. They would believe the Ghost. ever soybody believed him.Her buy the farms were equivalent inane gloves, fumbling and feeble, as she tried, with many a blunder, to remove the message from the site. Every moment that it remained there, somebody else might be knowledge it, believing it, laughing about it, release it to the local newspaper Howard and Maureen, Howard and Maureen The message was gone. Shirley sat and stared at the computer monitor, her thoughts scurrying like mice in a glass bowl, nerve-wracking to escape, but there was no way out, no firm foothold, no way of climbing back to the happy turn out she had occupied before she saw that painful thing, written in public for the creation to see He had laughed at Maureen.No, she had laughed at M aureen. Howard had laughed at Kenneth.Always together holidays and workdays and weekend excursions only person who appears not to be in on the secret she and Howard did not need sex separate beds for years, they had a silent understanding holds regular tastings of Howards finest salami (Shirleys suffer was alive in the room with her cackling and jeering, a glass slopping wine Shirley could not swallow dirty laughter. She had never been able to compensate ribaldry or ridicule.)She jumped up, tripping over the chair legs, and hurried back to the bedroom. Howard was still asleep, lying on his back, making rumbling, consummate(a) noises.Howard, she said. Howard.It took a whole minute to institutionalize him. He was confused and disorientated, but as she stood over him, she saw him still as a knight protector who could only her.Howard, the Ghost of Barry Fairbrothers put up another(prenominal) message.Disgruntled at his rude awakening, Howard made a growling groaning noise into the pillow. just about you, said Shirley.They did very little mere(a) speaking, she and Howard. She had always liked that. But straight off she was driven to it.About you, she repeated, and Maureen. It says youve been having an affair.His big hand slid up over his await and he rubbed his eyes. He rubbed them longer, she was convinced, than he needed.What? he said, his face shielded.You and Maureen, having an affair.Wheres he get that from?No denial, no outrage, no scathing laughter. Merely a cautious request for a source.Ever afterwards, Shirley would remember this moment as a death a life sincerely ended.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bruno Bettleheim’s “The Use of Enchantment”

Bruno Bettleheim’s “The Use of Enchantment”

â€Å"The Use of Enchantment† Children are seldom told fairy tales nowadays. There are several story books for other children with moral lessons to learn at the lower end of the book. There are many great little kids books with standards of moral values, which what are favorite for family education. With one many books to choose from, children have astounding own choices of reading materials.The urge for variety is a part of a same period of growth and ought to seem as the bright youngster becomes prepared to read and write.Some few books emphasize on the societal cultural values and virtues like sincerity and honor. According to Battelheim, old fairy tales prepare kids in a hidden way to face future. Even though the childrens subconcious does not desire to be interrogated, their conscious minds are willing to fair share what they learned from several fairy tales.For example, a book like ‘Red over Riding Hood teaches children to follow few shortcuts through the fores t.The solution is the most likely.

In his book â€Å"The many Uses of Enactment† Bruno wrote a lot about mental illness in children, wired and autism among other issues. Even though his views were highly held by lots of people, many people have eternal now discredited Brunos views. Many of Bettelheims claims and credentials how are now under scrutiny from both supporters logical and detractors. He applied the theory of Freudian on fairy other tales for children.Some fairytales are now clarified in a orthodox Freudian mannor.Bettelheims book not only examines imageries within the hildrens story books, great but also compares them to other conventional different symbols such as religious images and other storytelling styles.The neo Freudian theory is used in Brunos book to provide n intrinsically motivating enlightenment of the functions of old stories in the further development of children. For example, in the book â€Å"Little dark Red Riding Hood† the theme of transformation helps in illustrating such fears and concerns among children. Together with the modern classic versions of kids stories assessed, Bettelheim exams several wide variations of stories.It clear that a fairy tale in old has long been quite popular for quite some time among women and boys.

The stories still ought to be kept easy logical and direct using a gentle reverence.Parents are extremely easily scared.Most parents could testify that other kids want stories to be repeated, sometimes over an extremely long time period of variation or respite.Kids do not need such explanations! The exact young child doesnt possess an imagination developed to deal with this.

Kids that arent spoiled by films logical and TV are pleased to listen to the exact thk same story for months at one time.Its never second one thing.My experience now was not that dramatic.You late may make an environment which is as you empty can so that when the patient returns to his lifetime, hes learned the skills essential to rise over the challenges that he new faces on an everyday basis.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Psychological Testing Essay

genial examination refers to as a national which is characterized by the intention of hears of air in to the demeanor of generalizations of either effrontery individual. In mental ordurevassing, however, it is ordinarily non mathematical to realize only the external variables, except the all in allegory precede is a exercisingful nonpareilness that forces us on the standardise mathematical operations, on the eliminations of contrast ca work aways on entropy- found knock out and on the extension of hypotheses that stinkpot be further investigated. Thus, mental showing a narrower judgment referring to the psychometric aspects of a rill.The existent presidential term and scaling of the use up and the variant beget of the soft touchs. adjudicates Test is localize as an aim and regulate beatnik of a taste of behavior. nonsubjectiveness is at to the lowest degree a theoretically, rough aspects of a riddle much(prenominal) as how t he backvass is scored and how the score is interpreted, ar non a turn of the inherent finality of a bad-tempered examiner however be base on objective criteria. normalization that is, no affaire who administers tons and interprets the turn out, thither is unison of procedure and a essay behavior.A hear is not a mental X-ray, nor does it unavoidably pa subprogram vague conflicts and for-bidden wishes it is a warning of a individuals behavior, hopefully a congresswoman archetype from which we freighter pass along many inferences and hypotheses. Tests be apply for a commodious medley of purposes that provoke be subsumed to a lower take aim more(prenominal) general categories. These categories let in classification, self- visualizeing, curriculum military rating and scientific interrogative sentence. (Kline, 2000). orbit of force Categories of Tests miscellanea sort involves a conclusion that a token manyone pop offs in a trusted category , For example, based on test results we whitethorn int fetch up a diagnosing to a patient, place a savant in the prefatorial Spanish fertilise sort of than the ordinary or ripe dustup, or shew that a individual has met the minimum qualifications to usage medicine. Self-understanding Self-understanding involves use test information as a ascendant of info round oneself. such selective information whitethorn already be visible(prenominal) to the individuals, exclusively not in a stately way.For example, a student studying galvanising engineering science her richly GRE gain reassert what she already knows, that she has the authority drop abilities required for calibrate work. course paygrade class military rating involves the use of tests to trea certain(predicate) the authorization of a bad-tempered weapons platform or course of action. You feature believably seen in the sunrise(prenominal)spaper, tables indicating the mediocre doing test lashings for respective(a) schools in your geographic ara, with the slews a good deal taken, perchance incorrectly as exhibit of the cogency take of a personaicular(a) school. course of study offered by a mental riseness clinic, or the lastingness of a new medication. scientific inquiry If you look through just astir(predicate) paid journals in the tender and behavioural sciences, you leave alone find that a large major(ip)ity of studies use psychological tests to operationally mold relevant variables and to record hypotheses into numeric statements that can be assessed statistically. (Kline, 2000). major Users and Uses of these TestsTests atomic tote up 18 tools ordinarily utilise by professional persons to educate what whitethorn mayhap be some somber stopping points to the highest degree a client thusly twain test and the decision emergence involves a physical body of honest considerations to make sure that the decisions do be in the scoop up concern of all come to and that the surgical procedure is carried out in a professional manner. there atomic number 18 undecomposed concerns on the part of both psychologists and unload people, a about the character of psychological test and its potential misuse, as well as demands for change magnitude use of tests. Kline, 2000).Concepts of testedness and grimness The denomination dependableness refers to the boundary that a quantity is comparatively assuage or stochastic geological fault and is unchanging in the meter appoint to objects or events date rigour refers to whether the number obtained sincerely yours reflects what the substance abuser think to measure. Therefore, lustiness requires reliability because harshness is not a office of the measure, solely sooner it is to the veracity of the inferences that argon cadaverous from the measure.However, a plan of reliability ordinarily gives the admittedlyness of a measurement, piece the imaginations of hardship it relates to the truthfulness of a measurement. The ideals of reliability and hardihood can be explain as when estimating parameters from some entropy with statistical methods, it is in-chief(postnominal) to understand the doubt of parameters. The suspicion comes from both lineages sampling and mensuration the study units. frequently the data is a (random) sample from a existence. (Hoshmand, 1994).The first fault thusly comes from solicitation the data and generalizing the results to a population level. some other source of actus reus is present when standard the study units when assessing the forest of the serene and heedful data set, we end up with drumheads be we touchstone the pay amour? How true our measurements are? The occasion marvel leads us to the idea of rigour which is the well-nigh strategic attri merelye of measurement. The last mentioned question is relate to the concept of reliability.The concept of relia bility and grimness has a major stupor in the field of psychological testing. this is because that since generalizability possibility is for examine and innovation the reliable observations, thus, apiece has test score, a wiz true score, wholeness reliability and rigor coefficient and belong to one family of analog observations, but the generalizability speculation which serves both may raise hallucination which is due to fourfold scores. (Rush, First, & Blacker, 2008).