Monday, September 30, 2019

Best Practices in Managing the Human Factors of HR Management Literature Review Essay

Human Resource Management is one of the most significant functions in an enterprise. However, there are different factors that are impacting on HRM. Human Factors has its origins in the Industrial Revolution and emerged as a full-fledged discipline during World War II. It was recognized that aircraft cockpit design needed to consider the human interface for controls and displays. Design Engineers were focused on the technology while Industrial Psychologists worked to optimize the interface. In some cases, Human Factors design can affect bottom-line profitability or can be a life and death matter, e. g. , you don’t want to push the wrong button or mistake meters for kilometers in a spacecraft. Companies came to realize that a products success is dependent upon good Human Factors design. Human Factors are very important for the successful operation of the company. The term â€Å"human factors† is to a large extent synonymous with the term â€Å"ergonomics† Human Factors Integration Research with Defense Technology Center is Human Factors Integration is the process adopted by a number of key industries (notably defense like United Defense and hazardous industries like oil & gas like Shell) in Europe to integrate human factors elements into the systems engineering process. Although each industry has a slightly different domain the underlying approach is the same. HFI undertakes this by conducting a formal process that identifies and reconciles human related issues. These issues are split for convenience into domains. Manpower – The number of military and civilian personnel required and potentially available to operate, maintain, sustain and provide training for systems Page 2 Personnel – The cognitive and physical capabilities required to be able to train for, operate, maintain and sustain systems. Training – The instruction or education, and on-the-job or unit training required to provide personnel their essential job skills, knowledge, values and attributes. Human Factors Engineering – The integration of human characteristics into system definition, design, development, and evaluation to optimize human-machine performance under operational conditions. Health Hazard Assessment – Short or long term hazards to health occurring as a result of normal operation of the system. System Safety – Safety risks occurring when the system is functioning in an abnormal manner. Strengths: Indentifying the Problem, Evaluation and solving issues Weakness: Psychological Human Factors are not treated. Motorola’s Human Factors Engineering One of the best Practice in Managing Human Resource is HFE, Firstly implemented by Motorola, USA in 1984 is considered as the best for employees. In Research with HFE, Motorola is commonly thought of as how companies design tasks and work areas to maximize the efficiency and quality of their employees work. However, Motorola HFE comes into everything which involves people. Work systems, sports and leisure, health and safety should all embody Human Factors principles if well designed. Strengths: Employee Determination at work, Safety & Health and Low Stress methods. Weakness: More importance to Leisure time and found some Low Production. Page 3 Encourage Employee Development Growth of a company is closely linked to employee development within the organization where each employee plays a vital role in the success of the company. Employee growth has direct and indirect benefits. More knowledgeable, skilled and capable employees directly impact your company’s ability to satisfy customers, resolve problems and crises, and adapt to changing market conditions. Paying for an employee’s continuing professional education, for example, can help your company gain expertise in new technologies and markets, which can save you money in the long run. This type of practice is found in Coco Cola, where are often send to Trainings on different process. Strengths: Motivational to Employee and Long Retention periods. Weakness: Cost effective and Time Taking Process. Work Life Balance The term â€Å"work life balance† was coined in 1986 in response to the rising trend Human Factors in Development of the Company. The employee Psychological benefits are taken into consideration with many instructions like Stay positive, stay in control, Stay healthy, Divide and de-clutter, Keep stress under control and other safety measures. This helps the companies to maintain good relations with the employees and make them as the best factor of production. In Research with General Electric which follows Work Life Balance as a practice to develop Human Factors. Strengths: High Production Facility, Long Retention and Safe Employee and Company Relations. Weakness: Only limited to Companies with Large Scale of Production Facilities. Page 4 Corporate Mentoring Programs Corporate Mentoring Programs are like teaching classes where employees are motivated to the work and work environment, making employee coordinated towards work. Therefore, companies have started to place greater emphasis on personal attributes while selecting and developing staff. This brings a number of benefits to the business, not the least of which is a cohesive team. On going development of employee potential is critical for business success. Corporate mentoring programs are effective in quickly ramping up employee performance because they facilitate the transfer of business knowledge in a way that is not quite possible in regular training. Strengths: Every Effective Approach in Developing Human Factors, Human Psychological Advantage and Growth Oriented. Weakness: Very Systematic Approach. Metrics to Evaluate the Practices Human Factors Integration (HFI) implemented by Defense sectors is only related to Large Scale industries although it has all the factors of Human Factors. Key Performance Indicator of Human Factor Integration(HFI) is the Objective oriented and Specific Tasking. Motorola’s Human Factors Engineering is also related to tasking and other relations, not dealing with the Psychological factors of the Employees. Encourage Employee Development is training method to make them work in stress and problems, No personal and physical importance is not given to the employees. During this Research we found that the best Practice that develops the Human Factors in the company is Corporate Mentoring Programs, where the employees are motivated on the work and provide various benefits including safety and stress free work Page 5 environment. Research with Minnesota University, I found that more than 80% of the companies in United States uses this Corporate Mentoring Programs. References †¢ Creating a Mentoring Culture: The Organization’s Guide, 2007 †¢ A Strategic Approach To Corporate Mentoring Programs, CEO World Magazine, 2006 †¢ Human Factors & Methods – Robert Stanley – Edition 2, 2006 †¢ Ergonomics Society, UK †¢ Human Resource Management Programs at Human Factors and Ergonomics Society †¢ Research Center for Work Safety and Human Engineering, Technion, Israel. †¢ Motorola HR Practices, www. motorola. com

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mahayana Buddhism

Asian Behavior and Thought 10/16/12 Study Guide 7 – Mahayana Buddhism 1. What are the four sublime states? 1. Boundless love is related to friendliness. Buddhists cultivate love that is unconditioned and unlimited, based on the knowledge that all are one in the ocean of love. 2. Boundless compassion is the intense fellow feeling one should have for all living beings who suffer through pain, anxiety, ignorance and illusion. 3. Sympathetic joy- moves one to seek out happiness and prosperity of others and rejoice with them. . Equanimity – is the sense of nonattachment to self and to the world that the arhat achives by following the path of transformation and rooting out all desire and clinging. 2. What is Early Buddhism’s view of material well-being? Buddhist vision for society is the fundamental principle that all types of people are equal and that honor depends not on circumstances of birth but on moral and spiritual achievement?. ( is this the answer) 3. How does the ethical life of lay persons compare with that of monks and nuns?Lay people – There are many scriptures that spell out practical guidance and concrete disciplines for the good life. There are five percepts that leads the good life of compassion, love and fulfillment. 1st percept is the principle of nonviolence – concept expands not only to humans but also to animals. 2nd percept is not to steal – concept expands to avoild all forms of cheating, dishonest dealings to gain advantage over the others etc. 3rd percept is refrain from wrongful sexual relation – concept expands to be married and have sexual intercourse in the right way. th percept is refrain from wrongful speech that would cause others hatred, enmity, & dishmarmony. And 5th percept is refrain from drugs and liquor because it can cause breaking of other percepts. Monks and nuns – has to follow high level of detachment from those material, economic and social attachments that characteri ze life for lay people. They have 10 percepts. 1. Taking life, 2. Not stealing. 3. Sexual misconduct 4. Lying. 4. Drugs and liquor 5. Drugs and liquor 6. Earing after noon 7. Watching shows, singing and dancing 8. Using adornments of perfumes etc. 9.Sleeping in a high bed and 10. Handling gold or silver. 4. Outline an overview of the general spread of Buddhism through Asia. Theravada (ways of elders) came to be dominant in South Asia and South east Asia (especially in Srilanka). Mahayana (greater vehicle – one reaching the goal was being broadened to include others, even lay people) Buddhisim spreaded throughout the lands of East Asia ( monks and missionaries brought Buddhism to China than from China it spreaded to Vietnam, Korea and Japan). Vahrayana (diamond vehicle or tantrism) was accepted in Tibet and 1 Japanese Buddhist school. 5.How is Mahayana Buddhism distinguished from Early Buddhism. Mahayana discarded the narrower concept of the arhat as the one reaching the goal was being broadened to include others even laypeople. Al can be equally on the path toward achieveing Buddhahood While Theravada(early Buddhism) only focused on original teachings of the Buddha. 6. In Mahayana Buddhism what is a bodhisattva? Bodhisattva- being who is intent on becoming fully enlightened in Mahayana Buddhism, one who reaches enlightenment but vows to continvue rebirths in samsara to assist others. 7. How does the conception of Buddha change?The Mahayana group expanded the conception of who or what the Buddha is. They emphasized that Buddha is really the eternal power of the Dharma and that this Dharma body of Buddha is universal. Dharma body is the only real body of Buddha and it is ultimate reality. 8. What is the relation of nirvana to samsara? Nirvana is freedom from samsara and therefore, is a permanent, unconditioned state. Nirvana is not in any sense like God but Nirvana is a reality experienced within as it were a state of unconditioned freedom. 9What are the meaning of emptiness (shunyata) and â€Å"suchness† (tathata)?Emptiness is actually the common predicate of all dharmas. Emptiness means the absence of own being, where own being means something existing through its own power and having an immutable essence. So emptiness is really the same as the truth of dependent co-arising. Mahaynnists point out that not only are all conditioned dharmas empty but also the unconditioned reality of nirvana is empty. This leads to the idea that both Nirvana and samsara is empty there is no difference btw them. Suchness is seeing the world as it really is. Karuna – Buddhist ideal of compassionPure Land – focusing on worship of AMitabha Budhha, with hope of reincarnation pureland paradise. Amitabha – heavenly Buddha who presides over the pure land Buddha realm Chan – school of meditation Buddhism in China, Korea. Zen – important school of meditation Buddhism in japan Lotus Sutra – imp. Early scriptures ofMahayana Buddhism. Vajrajana – Damond Vehicle, tantric tradition of Buddhism especially in Tibet and Japan. Mandala – painting of cosmic Buddhas or a symbolice cosmos, used especially in Vajrayana Buddhist ritual and meditation. Dharma – teachings of budhha ependent co-arising (dependent origination) – central Buddhist teaching that everything is conditioned by something else, that all reality is interdependent. Three Bodies (Trikaya) – Dharma body – universal Buddha essence. Bliss Body – heavenly Buddhas and Transformation body – human manifestations of Buddha. Mahavairocana – great sun Buddha IITuesday, October 23. Tibetan Buddhism. In class video: The Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche Read: Ch. 6: pp. 103, 106-108. Iyer Pico on the Dalai Lama (on Blackboard). [2nd ed. Ch. 6: 95, 98-100] 1. What are some of the special characteristics of Tibetan Buddhism?The religious specialists were the lamas. Tantric Buddhists act ively engage with their feelings, emotions and imagination. For example, during meditation they will imagine what it was like to be the Buddha in a certain place or time. 2. Based on Pico Iyer’s presentation, how would you describe the Dalai Lama? 3. What stands out most to you personally in Iyer’s presentation? Why? Lama – spiritual masters often thought to be living gods Dalai Lama – head of the Geluk Tibetain Buddhist school, traditionally recognized as spiritual and political leader of Tibetans.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

WA2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WA2 - Assignment Example Nelson (2012) calls tsunami as tidal waves while it is rejected as tidal waves by the governmental website for Tsunami. Tsunami is not essentially generated because of displacement of sea floor, but there are many other reasons. Its occurrence can be sudden and damaging for the coastal communities (Nelson). The word Tsunami was unknown to people before December 2004 when an earthquake of 9.1 magnitude hit Indonesia and vertically displaced the sea floor after which, a Tsunami got created and became the reason of killing nearly two hundred and thirty thousand people and affecting several millions. People suffered because of lack of proper warning measures taken by the authorities. Even after getting knowledge of tsunami, people continue getting affected as people saw a Tsunami in 2009, 2010 and 2011. There were tsunamis before, but the tsunami of 2004 made scientists to research it in depth (Nelson). The tsunami waves reach up to a height of 100 meters that build a wall against the land and eruption of this walled water on the coasts can be destructive for the residents of the coasts. These waves as per national geographic are created because of displacement of tectonic plates under the sea (National Geographic). With the rise or fall of boundary walls of the plates, the water over the ocean floor is displaced that moves forward in form of tsunami. Landslides and volcanic eruptions can also be comprehended as the reasons of creation of tsunami. In deep water, they do not have noticeable height, but in shallow water, their speed gets lessened and they get elevated energy and height that is damaging for the shores (National Geographic). Warnings can be sent to areas that are far from earthquakes and other regions as there is plenty of time to take actions. However, for coastal areas, the time for warning is less and people have to

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nokia Mobil Phone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Nokia Mobil Phone - Research Paper Example A set of possible solutions that the company could have adopted have also been set down as recommendations for the company during 2006. The recommendations set down have been well thought out and is based on the performance of the company, the factors that impacted the business during that stage and also keeping the future in mind. Firstly, it is important to identify and discuss here the stage of the life cycle model that the company was in during 2006 in the US. The year 2006 was indeed recognised to be the peek for Nokia Corporation in the US. The company had grown to sell as much as 440 million handsets which contributed to almost 40% of the overall global cell phone sales. The company was then at the pinnacle of success and every product of the company, i.e. the mobile phones as well as the MP3s were all in high demand. The company had seen an increase of 25% for the demand of the phones in the emerging markets (Kharif). The company made a net profit of almost 1.2 billion Euros. The company has also seen a major increase in the revenues in the year 2006. On the whole, the company was part of the growth stage and the company has seen intense growth and development throughout the year throughout the world except in America (Kharif). In the case of America, Nokia has moved from the growth stage and to a great extent has moved closer towards the decline stage. There has been a massive jump in the company’s position in terms of the pro duct life cycle. The years prior to 2006, have clearly been very eventful and successful for the company however, the year 2006 led the company to be left way behind competitors like Motorola. Nokia lacked the style and new trends in the mobile designs and carried on focusing solely on the bar shaped cell phones (Kharif). There was clearly little or no attention paid to the customer

Thursday, September 26, 2019

AIDS in Africa in the 20th Century Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

AIDS in Africa in the 20th Century - Term Paper Example food, clothes, etc. Soon enough, however, they are not only confronted with economic distress alone but also with an insurmountable social disaster. Apparently, two of the most prevalent social issues they are facing are stigmatization and discrimination. These issues are evident in a study about the women in Nigeria. This paper argues that these two social issues--stigmatization and discrimination--are the top reasons why AIDS survives up until the 20th century and beyond. Even so, both social issues worsen the problem of AIDS in Africa. Lastly, this paper suggests that if the government and other interventionists alike are really serious with their aim of eliminating AIDS in Africa, they should first gear their efforts on eliminating these two social issues. AIDS as a Social Construct Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS is a condition brought about by HIV infection. As the disease’s name suggests, the HIV infection would make the body’s immune system deficient , making it more susceptible for other infections that may potentially compromise body functioning (Stolley and Glass 2009, 5). However, beyond this scientific definition, AIDS became known as a more complex problem. In a study by Keniston (1989, 2), he revealed that AIDS resonates problems in public health, politics, psychological processes, education, as well as issues regarding public attitude and morals. Moreover, Keniston (1989, 2) pointed out that AIDS is more of a social construct than a biological one. To date, it seems that the same still holds true. First and foremost, the spread of the virus is enacted within the sexual behavior of two individuals--clearly a social interaction. Second, cultural and social structures help shape and condition the behaviors and interactions that further spread AIDS (Keniston 1989, 2). For instance, the African society’s poverty prods women to engage in sexual trades, thereby, perpetrating the disease. Lastly, societal notions regardin g AIDS give rise to the concepts of stigma and discrimination, which contribute to oppression towards African women as well as to the worsening of Africa’s problem on AIDS. Stigma and Discrimination Stigmatization Defined In ancient times, stigma is a Greek term used to symbolize the mark on the flesh of a scandalous character, â€Å"a traitor, criminal, or slave† (Harvey 2001, quoted in Akanbi 2010, 3209). Additionally, a famous definition states that stigma is characterized as a â€Å"discrediting within a particular social interaction, as a spoiled social identity and a deviation from the attributes considered normal and acceptable by society† (Harvey et al. 2001, quoted in Akanbi 2010, 3209). Interestingly, a study made by Inside-Out Research (2003, quoted in Akanbi 2010, 3209) regarding South Africa, provides a two-fold definition of stigma: (1) internal stigma, an internal remorse that further makes the victim hide her condition, thereby, declining assista nce and access to resources, and (2) enacted or external stigma, which implies discrimination and society’s fear of association with a person who has HIV or AIDS. Factors That Brought Stigmatization A study asserts that certain natural and socio-demographic factors influence HIV/AIDS stigmatization and discrimination among women in Lagos State, Nigeria. Among these factors are related to what Liz

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Check order instruction and attachment Assignment

Check order instruction and attachment - Assignment Example 1. Steering Wheel with Bluetooth Technology: The steering, wrapped in leather, is fitted with Bluetooth technology for remote control and steering lock. Apart from guaranteeing the safety of the vehicle, this fitting also ensures that the steering wheel is always positioned correctly- safeguarding the passengers. 3. Windshield and Windshield Wipers: The rain sensing windshield automatically instruct the automatic wipers to clear the view when driving and this is meant to give this vehicle an impressive edge on the rest. 4. Xenon Adaptive Headlights: To cap it all, the car is fitted with Xenon adaptive headlights, which are a cutting edge invention allowing lighting up upon start thus reducing the run-up time (Autoblog). In regard to technological advancements on this model. All in all, this vehicle is indeed the ultimate BMW M3. Anyone who buys this sedan offers themselves an opportunity to sample luxury and technology the BMW way, all with a touch of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sumary and responses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sumary and responses - Essay Example Nevertheless, Amitai asserts that fast food chain jobs create working robots and are highly uneducational. Indeed, he reckons that such chains pay little attention on how teens acquire skills and the significance of such skills. Amitai notes that research derives that teens that begin as part-time employees McDonalds drop out of high school and are gobbled up in the world of low-skill jobs since they were actually not learning beneficial skills at the food chain (Axelrod and Charles 282). He also asserts that such jobs are not suited for college-bound, white, and middle-class youngsters but for the lower class, illiterate, and minority youngsters. McDonalds disadvantage the minority and offer no career ladders and few marketable skills (Axelrod and Charles 282). The food chains compel teens to work for long hours beyond how they work at school. More so, the supervision at McDonald’s seemingly seeks to teach the teens some wrong kinds of compliance, which is detrimental to the teen’s career (Axelrod and Charles 282). ... This makes the teens to value money or part-time jobs more than their education. The teens tend to think that all they need to live in the society is to earn money and not to concentrate on their studies. He observes that the consumerist aspects of adult life that the fast food chains promote enhance an escape from school and responsibilities (Axelrod and Charles 283). As a result, Amitai recommends that parents have a mandate to ensure that their youngsters seek job opportunities at places with proper work settings that will encourage the development of the student’s careers. Furthermore, the fast food chains must change their strategy or desist from employing the teens. Additionally, he advocates for an agreement with the teen so that a substantial amount of the teen earnings should be beneficial to their families or for their well-being (Axelrod and Charles 283). Ultimately, Amitai Etzioni reckons that the teens should establish a balance between their quest for earnings an d the need to develop their careers. Works Cited Axelrod, Rise B, and Charles R. Cooper. The St. Martin's Guide to Writing. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010.

Monday, September 23, 2019

SAVING PRIVATE RYAN Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SAVING PRIVATE RYAN - Assignment Example The mise-en-scà ©ne sets camera angles to focus on emotions of the characters and the challenges that lie ahead of them. Lighting takes advantage of natural light with low key elements. Character and camera proxemics reveal the intimate level and relationship between soldiers. The costumes and makeup also create an element of realism (Dancyger, 2010, p.217). The use of sound in ‘Saving Private Ryan’ expresses the emotion and orientation of a soldier’s experience. It sets the full stage of battle, while taking us squarely in the midst of it. Sound in this film becomes a crucial storyteller. The sound design of the film guides the visceral experience felt (Dancyger, 2010, p.42). This film incorporates music in scenes where it strikes an emotional chord. The use of an orchestra achieves this effect. Battle scenes do not have music tracks, keeping the film realistic. In the movie, there is selective utilization of music to generate dramatic moments of retrospection and reverence. The editing of the film makes it seem entirely real from start to the end. The editing creates an exceptionally remarkable battle sequence without relying on quick-cut editing techniques, but using the MTV style. The editing techniques used in ‘Saving Private Ryan’ make battle scenes have an uneven and raw look (Dancyger, 2010,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Free topic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Free topic - Research Paper Example However, the power of mythology evolves from its capability to communicate the existing requirements for identity within a human society (Williams, 2-3). The cultural as well as religious identity related to Hinduism is considered as quite broad. In Hindu mythology, there are more than 330 million role models that are most likely to validate the person’s identity who have been framed in pace with the developing mankind since ancient times (Doyle, â€Å"Hindu Mythology†). Thesis Statement Two short stories have been considered in the discussion henceforth, i.e. the Story of Yayati and the Incarnation of Vishnu as a Fish with the sole intention to obtain a better knowledge regarding the linkage of cultural values, philosophies and beliefs perceived by Indians with Hindu mythology. Hence, the chief objective of the discussion will be to obtain a better in-sight to the rudiments of Hindu mythology. Rudiments of Hindu Mythology Being the ancient most religion, Hindu mytholog y presents a rich culture along with some distinct but highly valuable principles of human life which can bring integrity and prosperity within the mankind. As the inherent values, ethos and principles of human culture are practiced as a complex purpose, various stories have been described in Hindu mythology rendering a comprehensive understanding of morality and justness within human society. One of the rudiments of Hindu mythology depicts that women play a dominant role as Shakti possessing the power of creation as well as destruction (Goel, â€Å"The Sacred Feminine in Hinduism†). As demonstrated in Ramayana, Kaikeyi (the third wife of King Dasharath) and Manthara (Kaikeyi’s maid) played the fundamental roles to cause the exile of Rama from Ayodhya which certainly caused destruction at the primary view, but for a greater good, i.e. the death of Ravana. Again, in the Story of King Yayati, Devyani (the daughter of sage Shukracharya) was shown imposing a direct impact on the decision making of her father causing the curse of King Yayati (Joshi, â€Å"The Story from Mahabharata†). Another rudiment of Hindu mythology emphasizes on the aspect that there is one ‘Supreme Soul’, God who is the creator and destructor of the cosmos. He is one who preserves the mankind and also punishes them according to their deeds (Hindu Wisdom, â€Å"Symbolism in Hinduism†). This particular belief can be observed apparently with reference to the story of Matsaya Avatar by Lord Vishnu. Matsya Avatar by Lord Vishnu is thought to have taken place in Satya Yuga when the Lord destroyed the life on earth due to the unsystematic and unjust practices of human kind (Purucker, â€Å"Section 4: Galaxies and Solar Systems: their Genesis, Structure, and Destiny†). It can be stated that the ‘Law of Karma’ is basic principles of Hinduism. Karma tends to generate its fruits in the form of pain as well as pleasure. It can be observed from the story of Yayati that King Yayati had been cursed by Shukracharya because of King’s own Karma or deeds to have a secret relationship with Sharmishtha. Furthermore, the ‘Law of Karma’ has also been reflected in the story of Matsaya Avatar where the demon, Hayagriva was defeated by Lord Vishnu owing to his deed of stealing the precious Vedas and hampering the creation of life on earth (Sivananda, â€Å"Hinduism†). The Matsya or Fish Avatara According to the Satapatha Brahmana, a Hindu sacred text

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Use of Literary Elements in Slaughterhouse-Five Essay Example for Free

Use of Literary Elements in Slaughterhouse-Five Essay Slaughterhouse-Five 1993. The true test of comedy is that it shall awaken thoughtful laughter. Choose a novel, play, or long poem in which a scene or character awakens thoughtful laughter in the reader. Write an essay in which you show why this laughter is thoughtful and how it contributes to the meaning of the work. English author George Meredith wrote, â€Å"The true test of comedy is that it shall awaken thoughtful laughter.† Slaughterhouse-Five would have been quite the comedy in Meredith’s eyes, because it is an extremely satirical work. Satire is writing that ridicules human weakness in order to bring about social reform. Ridicule, in this case, is humorous mockery of something, making people thoughtfully laugh about the situations which these characters find themselves in. In the Kurt Vonnegut novel Slaughterhouse-Five, the main character Billy wants only to have a normal American life, but his studies to become an optometrist are interrupted by his being drafted into the army during World War II and, as a prisoner of war, experiences the tragic bombing of Dresden. Then, he begins regular travels to the planet Tralfamadore. He also begins to become â€Å"unstuck in time;† he is time traveling. This essay discusses the use of satire in Slaughterhouse-Five to communicate to the reader the themes which are addressed in the book. In chapter four of Slaughterhouse-Five, satire is used through the comic depiction of a war film depicting the process of dropping bombs, all the way from mining the materials needed to make the bombs, to dropping them, to the planes landing back where they came from (74-75). This film, though, is described as it played backwards, as if somebody is rewinding a VHS cassette. Comic relief is the inclusion of something humorous often to heighten the emotional impact by means of contrast. The war film, when played backwards, conveys a very serious topic, but is lightened by the diverting and comical description of the reverse playing of the film. Comic relief is used to make the reader laugh and pay attention to what in other situations would be a very dry and boring scene, and likely think about it later. This part of the story addresses the destruction of war, a main theme  of Slaughterhouse-Five. By the use of comic relief, the reader is forced not to ignore the scene for fear of having to think about the destruction of war, satirically pointing out the reader’s distaste for tough topics such as the destruction of war. It also explicitly, yet not grossly, highlights the destruction of, specifically, dropping bombs as a wartime tactic. Farce is a comedy characterized by improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and broad satire. In Slaughterhouse-Five, one of the many instances of farce is the character Howard W. Campbell, Jr. (128-131). Campbell is an ex-prisoner of war who has turned his support to the Germans and is trying to form a unit of Americans who shift their allegiance to the Germans to fight against the Russian Communists. In his ridiculous and highly symbolic outfit, he tries to appeal to the American prisoners of war his ideas that the Germans are fighting for many of the same purposes as the Americans: against the Communists. Because of the outrageous and funny nature of Campbell, one is forced to think about the rash idealism which he stands for. Farce in this situation is used to denounce the metanarratives that are taught in war. It first emphasizes the craziness of the German ideal, and then the dogmatic wills of the Americans who do anything to reiterate their hatred for Communists. Then, when Edgar Derby, the leader of the American prisoners of war, stands up to speak against Campbell, the section is used to denounce the post-World War I anti-German metanarrative. Black comedy is the combining of morbid and serious topics with elements of low comedy to underscore the senseless futility of life. It is used as a form of comic relief in Slaughterhouse-Five while Billy is on a plane on the way to the convention of optometrists (155-156). His father-in-law asks the barbershop quartet to sing his favorite song. The song is quite comical and uses lots of low humor, such as cursing and parodying Polish accents. This reminds the author of a very serious time when Billy saw a Polish man being hanged in the street during World War II for having sexual intercourse with a German woman. The reader is pulled in by the funny song which is then related to the very serious topic of racial discrimination and hate. This connects to the theme of the terribleness of racial hatred. Irony is something that is opposite of what is meant, what is supposed to happen, or what makes sense. In Slaughterhouse-Five, irony occurs in the Kilgore Trout story about Jesus (109). He is a nobody, and for fun, the Romans crucify him. Then, they realize that he is the son of God and that he was an unfortunate person to kill. This causes the reader to rethink everything they have thought about the the gospel of Jesus Christ and free will, and also to laugh about their ignorance of this new idea of what really happened in the beginning of the New Testament. The theme addressed by this short story is that nobody is completely sure of what is going on, and somebody else such as God must be in charge, thus, there is no free will. Many themes are addressed in Kurt Vonnegut’s novel, Slaughterhouse-Five, like the denunciation of the metanarratives popularized during war, the disagreement with the legitimacy of the destruction of war, the horribleness of racial hatred, and the lack of free will. These topics are discussed in Slaughterhouse-Five through the use of humorous elements such as black comedy and farce. One may choose to think about these very important themes, and maybe they will affect one’s life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Waitroses Brand Expansion

Waitroses Brand Expansion In 2000, Waitrose purchased 11 stores from rival Somerfield. During 2004, in order for Morrisons to meet competition regulations following its acquisition of Safeway, Morrisons had to sell 52 of the Safeway stores. The first batch of 19 stores were sold to Waitrose. In August 2005 Waitrose purchased a further five former Safeway stores from Morrisons. This took the firm as far north as Durham (now closed), fitting with its long term strategy to evolve into a national retailer. In December 2005, Waitrose also bought another store at Biggin Hill, south east London, from Morrisons. In March 2006, Waitrose announced the purchase of five additional branches, including two branches in Edinburgh, situated in Comely Bank and Morningside. The other three locations included Balham in South West London, Barbican in the City of London and Buxton in Derbyshire. In July 2006, Waitrose announced it had purchased another six stores from Morrisons and also a former Safeway regional distribution centre in Aylesford, Kent expanding Waitrose to 182 stores. The six stores which were rebranded into Waitrose are located at Hexham in Northumberland, Eastbourne in East Sussex, Formby in Merseyside, Parkstone in Poole, Dorset, Lymington in Hampshire and Portswood in Southampton, Hampshire. Since Morrisons began selling Safeway stores in order to meet competition regulations, Waitrose had purchased 31 stores from Morrisons since 2000 and 16 from Somerfield. In 2007 four new Waitrose branches opened, the first of which opened in Harborne in Birmingham. This was followed by Cheadle Hulme, Greater Manchester in July. The company also revealed plans to extend and refurbish a number of branches. During 2007, Waitrose opened branches across the United Kingdom including Ampthill, Bedfordshire, replacing a Budgens store in September, a second Waitrose branch in the South at College Town, Sandhurst, Berkshire in November and also a newly built branch in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire. In March 2008, three branches were purchased from Budgens, in Buckingham, Bayswater, in West London. The same year, branches opened in Cardiff (Pontprennau), Crewkerne, Kenilworth, Newcastle upon Tyne, White City (Westfield London), Chiswick, Clapham, Edgware Road (the latter three purchased from Woolworths) and Nottingham. A Waitrose store in Banstead was destroyed by fire in December 2008. In June 2008, Waitrose announced the acquisition of four Woolworths store sites for conversion to Waitrose branches in Chiswick, Battersea (Clapham Junction), Edgware Road (Marylebone) and Chapel Market, Islington. All these stores are now trading. In January 2009, Waitrose announced that they had acquired 13 sites from The Co-operative Group to be converted into Waitrose branches in Bridport, Dorset; Headington, Oxfordshire; Haslemere, Surrey; Saxmundham, Suffolk; Ponteland, Northumberland, Croydon, Surrey; Upminster, Essex; Stamford, Lincolnshire; Holsworthy, Devon; Alcester, Warwickshire; Torquay, Devon; Caldicot, Monmouthshire/Sir Fynwy; Leigh-on-Sea, Essex; as well as building another nine branches to make a total of 22 new branches. On 12 November 2009, Waitrose opened a new branch on Byres Road in Glasgow. This is after having purchased the preceding Somerfield store in this location. This is the first Waitrose branch situated in Glasgow. Also, a former Somerfield store in Stamford opened in June 2009. Waitrose cited it was the largest expansion in the history of the company, by adding 4,000 partners and increasing to around 220 supermarkets. Waitrose has entered into a licensing agreement with Spinneys of Dubai, United Arab Emirates to open three purpose-built branches, of which the first opened in the Dubai Mall in October 2008. Spinneys will convert 20 of their own stores to the Waitrose format by 2010. The company has a long term goal of opening 400 branches across the UK by 2017 and doubling its revenue to  £8bn by 2016. Recent developments: Waitrose is involved in a new scheme to operate food halls in key stores of sister chain John Lewis. The stores are officially branded as John Lewis Food Hall and use of the Waitrose brand is limited, but the stores do carry some Waitrose own-brand product lines. The staff uniform is also different to that of Waitrose. The first John Lewis Food Hall opened at the flagship London Oxford Street department store in October 2007; a second opened at the Bluewater branch in August 2009. Also in early 2009, following a fire which destroyed a Waitrose main store in Banstead, Surrey, Waitrose took up temporary residence in the towns former Woolworths store, vacated as a result of Woolworths collapse. The store was smaller than the damaged site but allowed Waitrose to maintain its presence in the area until the rebuilt main store re-opened on 26 November 2009. In April 2009, Waitrose announced a franchise deal with Welcome Break (a motorway service area operator). The two Waitrose stores which are the smallest stores in the partnership opened at Welcome Break services in Oxford and South Mimms on 1 and 15 May 2009 respectively. In Autumn 2009, Waitrose announced plans to expand its presence in the convenience store sector after successful trials of the format. These stores are smaller than the main Waitrose stores but allow the chain to retail a selection of keynote ranges in areas where there is not a suitable site for a large Waitrose supermarket. The firm also plans to expand on its presence at Welcome Break service stations. The firm has also signed a deal with Alliance Boots which will see Boots operating branded pharmacies and retailing health and beauty products through Waitrose stores; in return Boots stores will sell Waitrose food products.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Belief systems :: essays research papers

Belief Systems The religious beliefs of people along the Silk Road at the beginning of the 1st century BCE were very different from what they would later become. When China defeated the nomadic Xiongnu confederation and pushed Chinese military control northwest as far as the Tarim Basin (in the 2nd century BCE), Buddhism was known in Central Asia but was not yet widespread in China nor had it reached elsewhere in East Asia. Christianity was still more than a century in the future. Daoism, in the strict sense of that term, connoting an organized religion with an ordained clergy and an established body of doctrine, would not appear in China for another three centuries. Islam would be more than seven centuries in the future. The peoples of the Silk Road in its early decades followed many different religions. In the Middle East, many people worshiped the gods and goddesses of the Greco-Roman pagan pantheon. Others were followers of the old religion of Egypt, especially the cult of Isis and Osiris. Jewish merchants and other settlers had spread beyond the borders of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judea and had established their own places of worship in towns and cities throughout the region. Elsewhere in the Middle East, and especially in Persia and Central Asia, many people were adherents of Zoroastrianism, a religion founded by the Persian sage Zoroaster in the 6th century BCE. It posited a struggle between good and evil, light and darkness; its use of fire as the symbol of the purifying power of good was probably borrowed from the Brahmanic religion of ancient India. The Greek colonies of Central Asia that had been left behind after the collapse of the empire of Alexander the Great had, by the 1st c entury BCE, largely converted from Greco-Roman paganism to Buddhism, a religion that would soon use the Silk Road to spread far and wide. In India, on side routes of the Silk Road that crossed the passes to the Indus Valley and beyond, the older religion of Brahmanism had given way to Hinduism and Buddhism; the former never spread far beyond India and Southeast Asia, while the latter eventually became worldwide in extent. Coming at last to China on our west-to-east survey of the ancient faith of the Silk Road, we .nd that rulers worshiped their own ancestors in great ancestral temples; they were joined by commoners in also worshiping deities of the earth, the four directions, mountains and rivers, and many others.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

John Carlos Story Essay -- Sports

The â€Å"John Carlos Story† is a book about the struggles of growing up black in America at a time when much of the nation was still segregated. John Carlos was a member of the â€Å"Olympic Project for Human Rights.† After winning the bronze medal, John Carlos and a friend and teammate, Tommy Smith, who won the gold medal, raised their fists in opposition of racial inequality and in unity of civil rights. This book shows examples of sociology in everyday life which can be explained through theories and concepts, which centers mainly on the event surrounding their win at the Olympic Games. A seemingly non-emotional, non-verbal, non-violent protest over racism was met with a great deal of negativity at the Olympic Games. Because of the location of their â€Å"protest† over racial inequality, many people did not agree with what they were doing. It was not considered socially acceptable to let their opinion on the matters of race play a part of the â€Å"opinion-free† Olympic Games. Instantly, the audience at the game did not like their way of letting the people know of their beliefs as the crowd went silent. As John Carlos stated in his book, â€Å"There’s something awful about hearing fifty thousand people go silent, like being in the eye of a hurricane. Then, as the national anthem played in full force, the calm before the storm ended and the ‘boos’ started coming down† (Carlos 121). Smith and Carlos were then able to walk off the field but it just got worse, â€Å"the shock was gone and it was officially getting ugly† (Carlos 121). The audience started to yell at them and called them â€Å"anti-American† (Carlos 121). Because of the social setting, people did not understand the purpose of what they were doing or what it had represented. There was ta... ... period of time (1968) in which there was no race cohesion and blacks were not viewed positively by some Americans. Also, the place was likely not the proper location for such a â€Å"demonstration.† Again, people had different reactions and to some, Carlos and Smith were heroes. This can be considered â€Å"labeling theory† which focuses on â€Å"how people define deviance – what is or is not ‘normal’-which is a core issue† (Ballantine/Roberts 175). In the end, those that thought he was a hero were helpful to John Carlos and with his book, society accepts him for his efforts and if there are individuals that still do not, they are the minority in society. Works Cited Ballantine, Jeanne and Roberts, Keith. Our Social World, Introduction to Sociology. Pine Forge Press, 2011. Carlos, John. The John Carlos Story. (With Dave Zirin). Haymarket Books, Chicago, IL 2011.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bankruptcy: Frightening Reality Essay -- essays research papers

Since the 1960s, personal bankruptcy has often served as a refuge for the young and struggling. Bankruptcy lawyers say younger and less-educated people tended to rack up too much debt while starting families and jobs, without a savings cushion to carry them through lean times. That's changing, as personal bankruptcy filings hit all-time highs. Last year, there were more than 1.6 million such filings, nearly twice as many as a decade earlier. Some experts say much of the increase is being driven by older people, many with decades of work experience in white-collar jobs. In 2001, per capita filings by people ages 45 to 54 increased 58% from a decade earlier, according to one study. Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding that allows a person who is overwhelmed with debts to eventually become debt-free. In a typical personal-bankruptcy case, credit-card balances and other "unsecured" debts-which are not backed by any collateral-are wiped out entirely. Under court supervision, the de btor then negotiates a plan with creditors to pay off as much of the remaining debt as possible, over three to five years. During that time, debtors cannot take on any new debts, but they are protected by the courts from being sued by creditors or having their assets repossessed. Credit reports list bankruptcy filings for seven to 10 years, making it almost impossible for a filer to get new loans or credit. But once that period is over, the debtor can move on with a clean credit record, free of de...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Goblin Market by Christina Rosetti Essay

Goblin Market by Christina Rosetti I believe this poem tells a story, a story about temptation and lust, about the desire to obtain something the narrator clearly is not meant to take or have. It has similarities to the Story in the bible about the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve have been told â€Å"You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for if you eat you will surely die. † When I read the poem by Christina Rosetti it makes me think about that story because of the opening lines â€Å"I ate and ate my fill, Yet my mouth waters still;† The narrator, like Adam and Eve, felt discontented with what they were getting. They were always going to want more, never satisfied. There are subtle hints that the narrator should not be eating the fruit, but this makes the fruit taste better and more appealing. The words that have been used are double edged for example â€Å"Cherries worth getting† On it own this sounds innocent and appears to be about fruit! The double meaning here, I believe, suggests that something or someone is desired. Wanting to taste but not being quite sure; this also links with virginity, ‘untouched’ and this is where the lust comes in I think the words Christina Rosetti has chosen are extremely clever because you have to read the poem time and time again to get the true meaning; this keeps the reader interested for longer. Every time you look at this poem you find something else you didn’t notice before. I feel that to try and pull out the striking words would not be of benefit, as they are all seemingly striking and without the rest of the poem attached they would not appear as exceptional; I believe this would not be doing justice to the poem. For example the word â€Å"Pellucid† to me is very striking but alone, without the rest of the sentence, it makes no sense and the feeling is not the same. The line â€Å"Pellucid grapes without one seed† To me has much more of an effect and shows a lot more about the narrator’s emotions. I think the tone of this poem is unpredictable as there are different meanings. When you first read this poem and you see that it is about fruit, one may start to feel that the narrator is babbling, as it does not make a great deal of sense. For example â€Å"To-morrow night I will buy some more; and kissed her†. This, in the context of fruit, seems out of place and somewhat irrelevant. It is only when you read the poem again, this time realising that it is not quite as ‘innocent’ as it first seemed, that the tone changes; it becomes more exciting and profound. I would say that the mood of the poem changes when the realisation of the poem’s true meaning sinks in. While the poem just seems to be about fruit I found the persona offered no excitement or anticipation. This changes quite dramatically when you realise that the poem is actually quite unconventional as it is hinting at a sexual relationship between two women. For example â€Å"Cheek to cheek and breast to breast Locked together in one nest† At this point the voice then seems to become playfully mischievous. There are a lot of similes in this poem, for instance â€Å"Like two pigeons in one nest† I think Christina Rosetti wanted the reader to really visualise what was going on; also I feel that she used simile to create a feeling of anticipation, using a familiar image of closeness. â€Å"Like two flakes of newly fallen snow† Is very clearly talking about two people who are having a sexual relationship, but also telling us that it is the first time and in actual fact they are both virgins. Snow, when it has just fallen, is untouched and perfect in everyway thus symbolising purity. â€Å"Not a bat flapped to and fro Round their nest† Is an example of the use of metaphor in this poem. People do not sleep in a nest and yet these two people are being likened to animals. This I believe creates a feeling of peacefulness, nothing moving. This is representing that they have reached a climax and they are now enjoying the serenity of the moment. An illustration of the use of personification in this poem is â€Å"Wind sang to them a lullaby† The wind of course cannot sing but the image is used to create a peaceful atmosphere. I image it would be really calming and relaxing to have the wind singing a lullaby. Alliteration is not strongly used in this poem I could only find one example which is â€Å"And sugar sweet their sap† I feel this is to heighten the readers’ experience, making them almost taste the sugariness, thus allowing the reader to really get in touch with what is happening in the poem. This poem uses a lot of run on lines an there are only two full stops in the poem. I think this increases the anticipation as well as the feeling of expectation as you can never see how it is going to end. The metre is quite smooth and sinuous and it is used by the narrator to keep the sequence of events told in the poem flowing. The tempo and manner of the poem, as I said earlier, changes when you realise its true meaning. I feel that this happens to keep the suspense. This poem has a sporadic rhyming style because some lines rhyme and others don’t but I feel that this is in keeping with the rest of the poem’s style as it is all rather unconventional.

Article or Case Law Search Essay

What is case law? Case law are decisions that has been instituted by a judicial determination and some are placed into action by the body of legislators. Several case law events deals with the critical regulatory healthcare issues. This paper will inform the reader of how the issues relates to the nature, sources, and functions of the law. Issues related to the nature, sources, and functions â€Å"The Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress and then signed into law by the President on March 23; 2010. On June 28, 2012 the Supreme Court rendered a final decision to uphold the health care law†. (, 2012) The Affordable Healthcare Act affords new means to hold insurance companies responsible and offers strong selections for customers. The Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) is known as a percentage that healthcare insurers must meet or better known as the MLR requirement. Healthcare insurers are required by the Affordable Care Act to produce a reimbursement to its consumers. The Medical Loss Ratio financial measurement used in the Affordable Care Act to help ensure that health plans provide significant value to users. The following is an example of how insurers use the MLR â€Å"if an insurer uses 80 cents out of every premium dollar to pay its customers’ medical claims and activities that improve the quality of care; the company has a medical loss ratio of 80%. A medical loss ratio of 80% indicates that the insurer is using the remaining 20 cents of each premium dollar to pay overhead expenses, such as marketing, profits, salaries, administrative costs, and agent commissions. The Affordable Care Act sets minimum medical loss ratios for different markets, as do some state laws.† (, 2012) The Affordable Care Act Law forces payer insurance policies for persons or groups to devote at least 80% of payments of medical care  directly paid on behalf of the patient, that are meant to improve their quality of care. Payers marketing to big groups are required to spend 85% of those payments made for care and quality enhancement. The Affordable Care Act rule will not apply to companies that function as self-insured plans. Payer companies are required to report each year to the Human Services department regarding payments spent on quality improvement and health care services and any rebates applied to consumer accounts. The first re port, was in 2011, and the newest in June of 2012. Payers are obligated to make the first of rebates to consumers in August of 2012. (, 2012) This Act has good and bad ramifications. First the Act which is source law from the legislator, which not only creates new rules of law it also sweeps away existing inconvenient rules. The act has potential for ensuring that quality of care continues to improve, however companies that do not meet these standards are required to give a premium rebate to the consumer. What the law doesn’t say is how much of a rebate is required to give. The 20% is for overhead and quality improvements. The overhead of the company could be more than 20% therefore the consumer is left with no rebate. That rebate really only works out to be very small 10-15 dollars per consumer. Companies like large insurance payers spend 10 times those figures on quality improvements. I have worked in Healthcare for several years and in early 2005 legislation went through that required all Healthcare organizations adopt some sort of meaningful use Electronic Health Record by 2014. This is a massive under taking for most healthcare institutions and the government was only offering up to $40,000 per healthcare organization to assist with this implementation. For a lot of smaller provider organizations this was a good deal, however the larger insurance companies and healthcare organizations would be spending millions on Electronic Health Records. According to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) only about 25% of healthcare organizations as of 2011 are up and running on a meaningful use EHR. (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2012) These improvements the healthcare organizations are making with regards to EHRs are far surpassing the required 20% a year even if you break it down each year. â€Å"October 1, 2013, medical coding in U.S. health care will be modified from ICD-9 to version 10. All healthcare related systems that is protected by the Health Insurance Portability and  Accountability Act (HIPAA) are required to make the transition, not just those healthcare institutions that submit Federal Medicare or State Medicaid claims.† (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2012) This is yet another quality improvement mandated by the source law of the Legislator that will cost healthcare organizations millions to implement. Conclusion Do the current process improvements that are currently mandated for all healthcare organizations count toward the 20% of profits made from premiums and services or do healthcare organizations still need to utilize the 20% for quality improvements on top of the already mandated improvements that the government requires to implement in the next few years? Healthcare all over the world often sometimes face many obstacles which includes different law cases. This paper has informed the reader of how the issues related to the nature, sources, and functions of the law. Reference Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2012) Retrieved from (2012). Retrieved from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Philosophies of Education Essay

There are many different educational philosophies that have developed over the years. Some of these philosophies are teacher-centered and some are student-centered, but they all have the same goal, and the goal is to provide students with the best education possible. The following is a list of educational philosophies and their basic ideas. 1. Perennialism- is a teacher centered philosophy that focuses on the values associated with reason. It considers knowledge as enduring, seeks everlasting truths, and views principles of existence as constant or unchanging. For Perennialists, the aim of education is to ensure that students acquire understandings about the great ideas of Western civilization. These ideas have the potential for solving problems in any era. The focus is to teach ideas that are everlasting, to seek enduring truths which are constant, not changing, as the natural and human worlds at their most essential level, do not change. Teaching these unchanging principles is critical. Humans are rational beings, and their minds need to be developed. Thus, cultivation of the intellect is the highest priority in a worthwhile education. The demanding curriculum focuses on attaining cultural literacy, stressing students’ growth in enduring disciplines. 2. Essentialism- is a teacher centered philosophy that believes there is a common set of skills and knowledge that educated people should have. It focuses on respect for authority, developing sound habits of the mind, and training in fundamentals. Essentialism is similar to perrenialism. Schooling should be practical, preparing students to become valuable members of society. It should focus on facts-the objective reality out there–and â€Å"the basics†or â€Å" back to the basics,† training students to read, write, speak, and compute clearly and logically. Schools should not try to set or influence policies. Students should be taught hard work, respect for authority, and discipline. Consisting of discipline subject. Teachers are to help students keep their non-productive instincts in check, such as aggression or mindlessness. Early in the 20th century, essentialism was criticized as being too rigid to prepare students adequately for adult life. 3. Progressivism- is a student centered philosophy that believes that ideas should be tested by experimentation, and learning comes from finding answers from questions. This philosophy values the scientific method of teaching, allows individuals to have their own beliefs, and promotes the interaction of students as valuable to the learning process. (learning by doing things). Create independent thinking,self expression and activity in the learner. Progressivists believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content or the teacher. This educational philosophy stresses that students should test ideas by active experimentation. Learning is rooted in the questions of learners that arise through experiencing the world. It is active, not passive. The learner is a problem solver and thinker who make meaning through his or her individual experience in the physical and cultural context. Effective teachers provide experiences so that students can learn by doing. Curriculum content is derived from student interests and questions. The scientific method is used by progressivist educators so that students can study matter and events systematically and first hand. The emphasis is on process-how one comes to know. One of his tenets was that the school should improve the way of life of our citizens through experiencing freedom and democracy in schools. Shared decision making, planning of teachers with students, student-selected topics are all aspects. Books are tools, rather than authority. 4. Reconstructionism/Critical Theory- is another student centered philosophy that promotes world social progress, focuses on world events, controversial issues, and developing a vision for a new better world. This philosophy is associated with pragmatism and essentialism. Social reconstructionism is a philosophy that emphasizes the addressing of social questions and a quest to create a better society and worldwide democracy. Reconstructionist educators focus on a curriculum that highlights social reform as the aim of education. Critical theorists, like social reconstructionists, believe that systems must be changed to overcome oppression and improve human conditions. Paulo Freire (1921-1997) was a Brazilian whose experiences living in poverty led him to champion education and literacy as the vehicle for social change. In his view, humans must learn to resist oppression and not become its victims, nor oppress others. To do so requires dialog and critical consciousness, the development of awareness to overcome domination and oppression. Rather than â€Å"teaching as banking,† in which the educator deposits information into students’ heads, Freire saw teaching and learning as a process of inquiry in which the child must invent and reinvent the world. For social reconstructionists and critical theorists, curriculum focuses on student experience and taking social action on real problems, such as violence, hunger, international terrorism, inflation, and inequality. Strategies for dealing with controversial issues (particularly in social studies and literature), inquiry, dialogue, and multiple perspectives are the focus. Community-based learning and bringing the world into the classroom are also strategies. 5. Eclecticism- is a conceptual approach that does not hold rigidly to a single paradigm or set of assumptions, but instead draws upon multiple theories, styles, or ideas to gain complementary insights into a subject, or applies different theories in particular cases. It can be inelegant, and eclectics are sometimes criticized for lack of consistency in their thinking, but it is common in many fields of study. For example, most psychologists accept parts of behaviorism, but do not attempt to use the theory to explain all aspects of human behavior. A statistician may use frequentist techniques on one occasion and Bayesian ones on another. An example of eclecticism in economics is John Dunning’s eclectic theory of international production. 6. Existentialism – Student centered. If you are existentialist, subject matter is a personal choice. They focus on the importance of the student than the subject matter or curriculum. Man’s freedom. Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself. Such is the first principle of existentialism. ‘ ‘ †¢ Jean Paul Sartre Existentialism as an Educational Philosophy Existentialism rejects the existence of any source of objective, authoritative truth about metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Instead, individuals are responsible for determining for themselves what is â€Å"true† or â€Å"false,† â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong,† â€Å"beautiful† or â€Å"ugly. † For the existentialist, there exists no universal form of human nature; each of us has the free will to develop as we see fit. In the existentialist classroom, subject matter takes second place to helping the students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. The teacher’s role is to help students define their own essence by exposing them to various paths they may take in life and creating an environment in which they may freely choose their own preferred way. Since feeling is not divorced from reason in decision making, the existentialist demands the education of the whole person, not just the mind. Although many existentialist educators provide some curricular structure, existentialism, more than other educational philosophies, affords students great latitude in their choice of subject matter. In an existentialist curriculum, students are given a wide variety of options from which to choose. To the extent that the staff, rather than the students, influence the curriculum, the humanities are commonly given tremendous emphasis. They are explored as a means of providing students with vicarious experiences that will help unleash their own creativity and self-expression. For example, rather than emphasizing historical events, existentialists focus upon the actions of historical individuals, each of whom provides possible models for the students’ own behavior. In contrast to the humanities, math and the natural sciences may be de-emphasized, presumably because their subject matter would be considered â€Å"cold,† â€Å"dry,† â€Å"objective,† and therefore less fruitful to self-awareness. Moreover, vocational education is regarded more as a means of teaching students about themselves and their potential than of earning a livelihood. In teaching art, existentialism encourages individual creativity and imagination more than copying and imitating established models. Existentialist methods focus on the individual. Learning is self-paced, self directed, and includes a great deal of individual contact with the teacher, who relates to each student openly and honestly. Although elements of existentialism occasionally appear in public schools, this philosophy has found wider acceptance in private schools and ill alternative public schools founded in the late 1960s and early 1970s. 7. Naturalism- ‘’Back to Nature† slogan. Naturalism emphasizes ‘Matter and Physical world. Aim to unfold the child potential. We are born weak, we need strength; helpless, we need aid; foolish, we need reason. All that we lack at birth, all that we need when we come to man’s estate, is the gift of education. ~Jean Jacques Rousseau Naturalism as a philosophy of education was developed in the 18th century. It is based on the assumption that nature represents the wholeness of reality. Nature, itself, is a total system that contains and explains all existence including human beings and human nature Education must conform to the natural processes of growth and mental development. This root principle, already touched upon, stems from a concern to understand the nature of the child and follows from naturalism’s conception of the pupil. It is the make up of the learner that determines the character of the learning process, not the designs of teachers of the learner or there simply will be no learning. Education should be pleasurable; for children have a good time when they are doing things which the present development of their physical and mental equipment makes them ready to do. This readiness for specific kinds of activity is evidenced by their interest. Consequently, interest in a subject and interest in ways of doing things are guides to parents and teachers, both as to subjects of study and methods of teaching for which children have a natural readiness at any given stage of development. Education should engage the spontaneous self-activity of the child. As already noted, the child educates himself in great measure, most of his knowledge is base on what he discovers in his own active relations with things and people. Especially is this the case with our perceptions, developed almost completely by our own unconscious efforts in early childhood but constituting the machinery for a high percentage of our adult experiences. Adults are foolish, therefore, if they do not use this native self-activity as an ally in their teaching. The way to do this, Spencer advised, is to tell the learner as little as possible and induce him to discover as much as possible. The teacher’s role is to remain in background. The natural development of child should be stimulated. Since, Nature is considered to be best educator, According to naturalists the teacher is the observer and facilitator of the child’s development rather than a giver of information, ideas, ideals and will power or a molder of character. 8. Realism – Teacher centered. Slogan,â€Å"Things rather than words†. And according to Realism the external world of objects is not imaginary. It really exists, â€Å"Our experience is not independent but determines reaction to the external objects. Experiences are influenced by the external world which has real existence. † (Dr. Pandey Ram Shakal. The teacher is more focus to the lesson rather to the child. ( That’s the reality). Subject: Math and Science. 9. Idealism- is a philosophical approach that has as its central tenet that, ideas are the only true reality, the only thing worth knowing. In a search for truth, beauty and justice that is enduring and everlasting, the focus is on conscious reasoning in the mind. The aim of education is to discover and develop each individual’s abilities and full moral excellence in order to better serve the society. Deals with â€Å"mind and self†. Developing child potential. Ex. If a child is good in reasoning encourage him/her to develop that. In idealism, no comparison only encouragement. 10. Pragmatism- â€Å"Pragmatism is a temper of mind, an attitude, it is also a theory of the nature of ideas and truth and finally it is a theory about reality. † William James â€Å". Pragmatism is essentially a humanistic philosophy, maintaining that man creates his own values in the course of activity that reality is still in the making and awaits its part of completion from the future, that to an uncertain able extent our truths are manmade products. Method of teaching: This school of philosophy favours project method and consider it active and dynamic. Through this method the child learns by his own activities and experiences. The teacher only guiding and suggesting wherever and whenever there is necessity for such help. They believe learning by doing. They oppose bookish knowledge and condemn those methods which promote knowledge which is not useful. Teacher: works as a friend and guide to the children. The teacher comes in close contact to the children to know their interest and understanding regarding the conditions of changing society. The teacher puts in front of the students problems which are interesting and students are expected to solve it. 11. Constructivism- is a student centered philosophy that emphasizes hands on learning and students actively participating in lessons. Constructivists believe that students should be able to discover lessons on their own through hands on activity because it is the most effect way of learning and is considered true learning. Von Glasersfeld describes constructivism as a â€Å"theory of knowledge with roots in philosophy, psychology and cybernetics†. In the constructivist perspective, knowledge is constructed by the individual through his interactions with his environment. Learning is an active process. Students are actively engaged and are responsible for their learning. 12. Humanism- is a student centered philosophy that focuses on enhancing ones innate goodness, rejects the idea of group-oriented education, and upholds the idea of enhancing individual development. This philosophy also believes that students should be actively involved with their education on all levels, and students should be able to make choices about what they will be learning. To live life to the fullest Humanism focused on creating people who would be ideal citizens in whatever domain their work lay and would be able to speak persuasively to encourage those around them to a moral life; thus, students pursuing humanist studies were instructed from historically important works of poetry, history, grammar and rhetoric. 13. Behaviorism – is a teacher centered philosophy that is closely related to realism. This philosophy focuses on human behavior as a reaction to external stimuli, and believes that changing the environment can change misbehavior. Educational behaviorists are more interested in managing behavior in an attempt to better educate students and maintain a classroom environment conducive to the learning of each individual student. Educational behaviorists have developed systems of rewards and punishments in order to achieve academic success. He found a very strong effect from rewards but also discovered that punishment was a less effective means for control of behavior (Pulliam & Patten ). Teachers began to rapidly accept these laws of learning, and found them to be highly useful devices for classroom instruction Watson made the following statement: Give me a dozen healthy infants, well formed, to bring them up in any way I choose and I’ll guarantee you to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and race of his ancestors. Watson made it very clear that he believed that behavior could be altered, modified, and controlled by using forms of reinforcement. Reinforcement was one of Skinners most important behavioral concepts. Reinforcement is the affect of reward on a response that the strengthening produces it, to the reduction of physiological need. Often times the word reinforcement is mistakenly substituted by the word reward. It is important to realize that these two words are not the same. Rewards may or may not strengthen behavior. Robert Nye, author of The Legacy of B. F. Skinner, gives the following example to clarify this misconception: A teenager may behave contrary to his parents, wishes despite the fact that they heap rewards (a car, money, freedom, and so on) on him. This example exhibits parents who are giving rewards to their son, but they are not reinforcing his desirable behaviors. Skinners definition affirms that reinforcement does strengthen behavior, and reinforcement occurs only if what is being done has that effect. Therefore, rewards may or may not strengthen behavior. In operant conditioning there are two types of reinforcement: positive and negative. Positive reinforcement is a response strengthened by the addition of something (positive reinforcer) to the situation. A child behaving to earn parental approval is an example of the effects of positive reinforcement. The parental approval is the positive reinforcer. Behaviors can also be strengthened by negative consequences. Negative reinforcement occurs when a response is strengthened by the removal of something (negative reinforcer) from the situation. Negative reinforcement should not be confused with punishment; it does refer to a process in which behavior is strengthened. Without even realizing it, teachers condition students to do things, such as stand in a straight line or to be quiet, by giving looks and/or punishments. Teachers often use the theories behind behaviorism to drive behavior plans for emotionally disturbed students. These step-by-step plans include rewards (or punishments), which condition students to achieve specific patterns of behavior. These plans are designed so that when the student performs a desired behavior, the student is rewarded with tokens or points. The students are then able to trade these tokens or points for prizes, food, playtime, or other rewards. Critics disagree with this type of extrinsic reward; however, Skinner believed that this may be necessary when other methods do not motivate the students. Skinner also believed that since teachers are conditioning most of the time, they should learn how to do it more effectively (Ozman & Craver 213). 14. Analytic- The term â€Å"analytic philosophy† can refer to: A broad philosophical tradition[2][3] characterized by an emphasis on clarity and argument (often achieved via modern formal logic and analysis of language) and a respect for the natural sciences. The more specific set of developments of early 20th-century philosophy that were the historical antecedents of the broad sense: e. g., the work of Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, G. E. Moore, Gottlob Frege, and the logical positivists. – is used to described philosophy that proceeds via analysis- broadly, by seeking to understand the composition of its subject matter (or concepts of that subject matter) out of simple (or simpler) components. 15. Positivism- is a teacher centered philosophy that rejects intuition, matters of mind, essences, and inner causes. This philosophy relies on laws of matter and motion as valid, and bases truth on provable fact. It is also known as logical positivism. 16. Scholasticism- students were encouraged to face apparent contradictions in the things they were being taught, and find a consensus between teachings that seemed to oppose each other. They were expected to use their reason and experience — in combination with knowledge that was accepted on the authority of church fathers and teachers — to make their arguments. Scholasticism attempted to reconcile Christian teachings with one another, as well as with such philosophies as Aristotelianism and Neoplatonism. –(debate). Scholasticism focused on training people who would work as theologians, lawyers or doctors, and thus used works of theology, philosophy, medicine and law as a basis for study. 17. Postmodernism- The heart of postmodernism is the view that reality cannot be known nor described objectively. This contrast to the modernist view that says reality can be understood objectively. Postmodernism seeks to correct the imbalances of modernism. It reminds us that we do not possess an unlimited potential to understand and change the world for our own purposes. Ex. Under modernism, the prevailing theory of truth was known as the correspondence theory of truth. That is, something was felt to be true in so much as it corresponds to objective reality found in the world. The correspondence theory of truth caused people to believe that scientific truth equals absolute truth. Postmodernism corrects this by denying the equivalency between scientific truth and absolute truth. All scientific conclusions are now understood to be tentative simply because no one has ever made the infinite number of observations required to learn if there are any exceptions. So, postmodernism corrects modernism by helping us to understand the limits of our reasoning ability and knowledge. But postmodernism then presses things too far. Postmodernism rejects certain ideas of history. Generally refers to a form of contemporary culture, such as art and architecture. It is a style of thought which is suspicious of classical notions of truth, reason, identity, and objectivity. According to Elkind, Postmodernism venerates language rather than thought and honors human diversity as much as it does human individuality.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Nurse is a Nurse

The public and professional images of nursing and the portrayal of nurses in the media have a great impact on several work-related issues – how health care as a collaborative enterprise is provided to patients, the extent that nurses’ work is valued, the participation of the nurse in healthcare team decision-making, the visibility of nurses in shaping national health care and the effect of these images on nurses’ job performance (Fletcher, 2007.Most researchers agree that although there have been improvements in the image of nursing, the portrayal today is still largely negative – an issue that has been raised by nurses for the past century. Gender issues seem to be at the core of this situation.Other disciplines, specifically the medical profession, view nurses based on certain qualities. In a study by Weinberg, Miner and Rivlin (2009) on the perspectives of medical residents on working with nurses, nurses were trusted and regarded as colleagues depending on how competent, congenial and hardworking the residents perceived them to be (p.37).This implies that the collaborative approach does not always permeate the nurse-medical resident relationship despite nursing practice being elevated into a profession that is equal to other health disciplines. To be respected as a colleague requires a condition – nurses must first have to prove that they possess the qualities expected of them.Meanwhile, the media reinforces the image of nurses as a health worker that is lower in status than physicians or as other concepts other than being a professional. In a literature review conducted by Fletcher (2007) concerning the media portrayal of nurses, the author found that television shows, novels, films and advertisements then and now mainly portray nurses in four categories, namely â€Å"as ministering angel, battleaxe, physician handmaiden and naughty nurse† – negative images because these do not capture the reality of nursing (p.208).As an acute nursing shortage looms ahead, the campaign to improve the image of nursing, in order to attract more students into the profession, yielded a positive outcome. A recent Gallup survey on professional ethics and honesty found that 84% of Americans agreed that nurses are the most trusted professionals (Singleton, 2009). The Gallup survey image of nurses represents a positive development because nurses were viewed as professionals who are bound by a code of ethics and who adhered to such a code.Both the positive and negative images of nursing seem to reflect the unequal power relationship between men and women in society where women are viewed as either sex objects or as domestic partners. The end product is a stereotypical view of women’s roles as subservient to men.Along with this role are the associated feminine traits ranging from obedience, hard work, compassion and congeniality to promiscuity. The physician-nurse relationship reflects these stereotypes as physicians are disproportionately male and while nurses are disproportionately female. As a male-dominated profession, the physician’s work is highly recognized and valued while the nurse’s work is undervalued and unrecognized.Because of the stereotypes reinforced by media, the public largely identifies nurses only with bedside care and with carrying out physician’s orders. Most would think that since the work involved seems trivial, nurses do not need to obtain a 4-year BSN degree. They do not see the complex daily responsibilities of the nurse that requires education, training and autonomy or the current scope of nursing practice. As such, they fail to appreciate the significant impact of nurses’ work on patient health and outcomes.Although men have enrolled in nursing, it is still mainly a women’s profession and as Lavinia Dock (cited in Fletcher) aptly put it, â€Å"the status of nursing in all countries and at all times depends on the status of women† (2007, p.210). Because the nurse is a woman in a caring profession, expectations of her relate to female gender roles as well. Hence, further improvements in the status of women will similarly uplift the status of nursing.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Discuss and compare the five market orientations that a company may Essay

Discuss and compare the five market orientations that a company may adopt when carrying out its marketing activities. illustrate your answer with examples - Essay Example To start there was the Production Orientation. The centre of this orientation is to mass-produce with ease. A well-understood sample of Product Orientation is the Ford Motor Company. Henry Ford added to the Model T Ford; an auto car that was quiet inexpensive during its production2. This item was mass created so that the creation expenses could be lessened empowering it to be more reasonable to clients. One of the constraints to this introduction is that new market contestants have the capacity to recreate the low-cost mass item turning out to be coordinate rivalry and at times very nearly kicking others out of the business arena. Moreover, General Motors had made this practicality real to the onlookers when it almost kicked Model T Ford out of business. Taking after the Production orientation was the Product orientation. This kind of orientation expects that shoppers will be attracted to an item that has the most positive execution, quality, and creative highlights. The orientation can in any case be seen largely at work aural the Apple Company. Apple is celebrated for its current innovation progress, continually presenting new patterns aural the cell telephone industry. Apple concentrates on creating new items that shoppers do see the significance, and afterward markets these items as excellent must-haves3. Likewise, with each orientation the item orientation has its burdens. An impediment to this orientation is it may prompt marketing myopia. Marketing myopia is the course in which organisations fizzle because of lack of concern and a foolish personality set of completely comprehension what business they are in. For example, rail lines; however, illustrations are obvious today all over, for example, the daily paper and phones. Following the Product Orientation was the Sales Orientation. The Orientation stipulates that with a specific end goal to accomplish vast volumes of yield it must concentrate intensely on sales promotion. This disposition created

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Voter Identification Legislation and Mediation Assignment

Voter Identification Legislation and Mediation - Assignment Example Such a situation calls for a mediation party to step in and resolve the matter. One of the famous mediation initiatives in the history of America involved Holder stepping in to address the rights of voting. The Holder Jr. mediation had the minority voters and poor people vs. the Justice Department were the primary parties as the issue involved the two with the Justice Department doing injustice to the minority voters. In this case, Attorney Holder Jr. stepped in to address the minorities voting groups claims that the Justice Department had made it harder for them to participate in the voting exercise (Savage, 2011). In his mediation process, Holder promised these voting groups that new laws on elections had to be enacted and the laws will be in such a way that they will not discriminate any voting group. To achieve this, he had to hear out the side of the Justice Department as they played a role in enacting such laws. Holder went ahead to suggest that new discrimination laws patterns had to be put in place for the best interests of the nation. According to him, the main reason for such conflicts was the manner in which race had continued to possess many officials serving the state. The Justice Department was also accused of standing in the way of the meeting that was to take place in Louisiana parish which excluded officeholders that were black (Savage, 2011). This showed that the Justice Department was the main cause of this conflict. Holder went ahead to point out that such kinds of fraud were witnessed too infrequently to be used as a basis for this discrimination. The end result was that the states that had been affected by this issue ended up adopting registration systems for voters that were not cumbersome and allowed every citizen to exercise their basic right. Mediation proved to be the best means of settling the above conflict as the only way out was facilitate an agreement between the Justice Department and the minority voters groups.     

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Management and Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management and Leadership - Assignment Example A. legitimate B. expert C. information D. charismatic E. referent 4. _____power is based on the capacity to control and provide valued rewards to others A. Legitimate B. Referent C. Reward D. Information E. Expert 5. As the sales manager, Kirk supervises the sales people, hands out bonuses to those who surpass quotas that he assigns, allots vacation time, and determines pay raises. To the sales people he manages, Kirk has___ power. A. legitimate B. expert C. award D. charismatic E. referent 6. As the office manager, Pat has the authority to dock someone's pay who got to work late, to suspend workers who are lazy, and to fire workers who are incompetent. In terms of the office personnel, Pat has _____ power. A. legitimate B. expert C. information D. coercive E. referent 7. ____power depends on the ability to punish others when they do not engage in desired behaviour. A. Legitimate B. Charismatic C. Coercive D. Referent E. Reward 8. During the recent power outage, the janitor was the o nly person who could find the steps and help the people on the eighth floor find their way out of the building. To the people on the eighth floor, the janitor had ____power during the blackout. A. legitimate B. expert C. information D. coercive E. referent 9.____ power is based on the possession of expertise that is valued by others A. Legitimate B. Charismatic C. Coercive D. Expert E. ... A. legitimate D. coercive B. expert E. referent C. information 11. ___ power results from being admired, personally identified with, or liked by others. A. Legitimate B. Information C. Coercive D. Referent E. Reward 12. The president of Hatfield Manufacturing Company threatened to fire all of his line personnel if they continued to ignore the new safety regulations. How will the employees most likely react to this threat? A. with resistance B. with commitment C. with agreement D. with submission E. with compliance 13. Jason is a stonemason who has worked on refurbishing the great cathedrals in Europe. He has agreed to help restore the small Gothic church in Hyatt if the workers want him to. Which would describe the most likely response from the other workers? A. Resistance B. commitment C. acceptance D. submission E. compliance 14. Intelligence, appearance, sociability, and extroversion an all examples of __ that may distinguish leaders from non-leaders. A. demographics B. psychograp hics C. personalities D. traits E. profile items 15. Which of the following statements about the study of leadership traits is true? A. Researchers have identified several traits that are associated with individuals who are recognized as leaders by others. B. For the most part, early research studied historical leaders. C. Most management experts believe that performance is more closely related to the traits leaders possess than the things leaders actually do. D. Recent studies have discovered certain traits that can be used in any situation to determine which individuals will be leaders. E. Researchers have always believed that the key to locating leaders was in the study of traits and have never abandoned this line of reasoning. 16. University of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Human Rights Act 1998 and the European Convention Essay

The Human Rights Act 1998 and the European Convention - Essay Example The Human Rights Act of 1998 is an act of Parliament,whose main aim is to ensure that it gives further force the laws concerning human rights,contained in the European Convention.It gives the courts in the United Kingdom the power to deal with those issues,which might cause the citizens of this country to go to the European Court The act makes it illegal for all public bodies to take any actions or decisions which are in contravention to the European Convention on Human Rights. The only exception to this is Parliament,  because it has the legislative capacity in the United Kingdom, and should, therefore, remain sovereign. This Act requires all the courts in the United Kingdom to take into account the decisions which have been made by the court at Strasbourg, as well as to interpret the legislation of Parliament, so that their decisions can be as far as possible in compatibility with the Convention on Human Rights. It is, however, impossible to interpret an Act of Parliament to make it compatible with the provisions of the Convention, because courts are not allowed to override such acts (Kavanagh 2006, 179). Instead, all these courts are allowed to do is to issue a declaration of incompatibility so that the validity of a Parliamentary Act is not affected. One of the reasons why this Act does not affect Parliamentary Acts is because  one of its aims is to ensure that the sovereignty of Parliament is maintained in the United Kingdom, because it is the supreme legislative body (Feldman 2008, 8). However, the Act still gives individuals the option of taking their cases to the court of Strasbourg if they feel that they are not satisfied by the decisions of the local courts. The main function of the Human Rights Act is to give courts in the United Kingdom the power to deduce legislation so that it is in compatibility with the human rights as stated in the European Convention on Human Rights (Hope 1999, 185). This does not mean that the legislation is invalidated, and instead, the amendment of the legislation is permitted, at a fast pace, to ensure that they are in compatibility with the convention. The amendment does not necessarily remain permanent, and, in fact, it has been known for  Courts of Appeal to overturn such court decisions. This Act has to be implemented by all the public bodies in the United Kingdom except for Parliament. The public bodies, which are directly affected by this Act, include the central government as well as the local government. The courts are given wide powers to ensure that they are able to interpret both principal and subsidiary legislation so that they are attuned with the convention. The interpretation of these powers goes far beyond the normal statutory interpretation because they include the interpretation of legislation made in the past as well as those which are to be made in future (Satvinder 2006, 29). This interpretation ensures that the Human Rights Act is protected from being repealed by implicati on. The interpretation has been applied by courts in three different interpretations. The first of these is known as reading in, which refers to the insertion of words into a statute if it is found that there is none which appear in it. Another of these applications is known as reading out, and this refers to words being omitted from a statute if they are found to be in contravention with the European Convention. The last of these is known as reading down which refers to an  interpretation being declared to be in compliance with the convention (Gihring 2000, 203). However, if the courts find it difficult to interpret a statute so that it can be compatible to the European Convention on Human Rights, then they may issues a declaration of incompatibility, and in such cases, only higher courts have the power to make such declarations. Declarations of incompatibility are usually made

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Major Issues and Difficulties Facing the European Union and Its Essay

The Major Issues and Difficulties Facing the European Union and Its Attempts to Effectively Fight Fraud Against Its Budget - Essay Example In 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht was signed which gave rise to the European Union (EU). A single market devoid of any boundaries was established where people could go from one country to another freely. The single currency concept came into being in 2002 with the introduction of Euro. The EU family is growing day by day and more countries are joining in. The European Parliament, the body governing the EU, takes care of all the activities of the member states. The member countries set up the parliament by giving their votes. The votes are directly proportional to an individual country’s size. The parliament consists of Commissioners of different countries led by a President. (History of European Union, n.d.) With the enlargement of EU, more countries came into its fold. The challenge for the EU was to induct these countries into its set up. The problem faced by EU in this regard was that the Parliament was influenced by the bigger countries as they had the lion’s share of commissioners. The treaty of Nice underlined that the small countries will get to cast a minimum amount of votes while the big countries would cast the bigger share. This means that the bigger countries will influence all the decisions taken in the EU. (The treaty of nice, n.d.) Perhaps, the main issue facing the EU right now is the fraud against their budget. The symptoms are widespread now and the EU is facing severe problems in controlling the frauds against the budget. Despite the measures taken by the EU in controlling the frauds, various scams, and frauds surfaced which has led to the decrease in public trust on EU. OLAF was set up to look after the corruption against the budgetary frauds. (EU budget fraud, 16th January 2010). With the introduction of new member countries in the EU fold the problem of the transition begins.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Global consideration Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Global consideration Paper - Essay Example Since majority of HRM theories and practices, which are used by global organizations, have instigated from developed countries, most of the growing business organizations while expanding their business in the developing countries choose to use these HRM practices abhorrently while ignoring the primary differences such as socio-cultural constraints. Therefore, while entering into the Indian market, Starbucks must also adapt to HRM concepts and practices that are parallel to the Indian culture by keeping in view the social and cultural factors. These factors are as following; Language issues: Indian middle class population (target market of Starbucks in India) is perhaps a very educated one. Language barriers can almost be neglected in most of the areas since English is generally spoken as well as Hindi1. However, there are some states in India where local languages are given more preference. Gender Issues: India is generally considered as a male dominated society where women are thought off as the sole care-takers inside homes. While attempting to build a homogenous workforce, Starbucks' HRM may face serious gender issues since men generally do not feel comfortable while working under women dominance in India. Religious practices: As discussed earlier, India is a mixture of